The Banishing King

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Princess Lily hunched into herself, wracked with grief and a terrible fear, as she lifted her eyes to look at her father looming above the crib that held her innocently sleeping son, his face set in lines of a deep, enduring disappointment. He was a tall, muscular man, with a handsome visage and thick, black as midnight hair that cover his head and lined his jaw in a trim, precise beard, and blazing blue eyes that often regarded her with an abiding love, but not today.

Today he could barely look at her.

For he had discovered what she had been hiding from him from three months—for a year, really, since things had started taking the turn for the worse. When he had arrived to her bedchamber tonight unannounced and completely unexpectedly, his face a cross between thunderous fury and fear for her, it had been after sensing a powerful presence within her room as he passed by. 

He had come to an abrupt stop at seeing her fast asleep, a little baby tucked by her side, cooing.

One would have expected that thinking he was her progeny wasn't the first conclusion a ordinary father would have drawn, considering she was an unmarried, fifteen years old princess who had never been allowed in the company anyone but the most trusted companions and servants, much less suitors.

They weren't, however, completely ordinary.

They were descendants of the most powerful faeries in the realm, elite amongst the rulers of the magical and nonmagical beings across the word. They were held in the highest regard because they represented the perfect blend to reign over them all—that of human and magical.

To her powerful father, King Sebastian Kohl, the realization that the baby that had suddenly sprung into existence was related to him—through his innocent, deceitful daughter—was unexpected and instantaneous. The boy, with the blend of undiluted Sanchez magic running fresh and untapped through his veins, could have had a blaring beacon on him claiming who he was.

For him to have such an essence could only mean one thing—that his father, the man his daughter had apparently lowered herself to—was a human.

And not just any human, but a human in the purest sense of the word.

When two magical beings mated in their world, the magic in their veins blended and mixed and in effect changed the chemistry of the magic inherited by their child. Every child therefore had a unique blend. It could be more like one parent than the other, but it was always, even in the smallest ways, unique.

Only a person with not a lick of magic in their veins could produce a child with a magical stamp that resembled, almost identically, with his mate's. Such children could, later have a magical essence that was different from their single magical parent as they grew and their magic evolved—but only in intensity of its various components, never in the recipe. As such they could have no ability their magical parent didn't have the potential to possess.

Which was why the baby, with its magical essence identical to that of his mother's, undoubtedly purely Sanchez, was his grandson. 

It was extremely rare for this to happen within their realm...after the mixing of blood that had happened through the centuries, even outwardly purely human beings had enough trace of magic within their blood to cause a blending within their children. The King had met, in his life, only a handful people amongst his subjects who had had not a lick of magical blood within their veins—the result of a rare purely human ancestry. For his daughter to have procreated—without his knowledge—with one of them was incomprehensible.

Unless she hadn't done so in this realm.

And so they found themselves standing in front of the King's throne awaiting his verdict, after the baby had been hauled away on King Sebastian's orders. Princess Lily had woken up grasping for her child as she felt him ripped from her grip, and had followed her father sobbing and begging him to understand, overcome with terror.

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