Past Midnight

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"Where have you been?"

Kasey watched in grim satisfaction when both Dick and Tony froze at the entrance of the house, looking rumpled and guilty. They squinted towards her voice, and she lit a match, calmly transferring the flame over a candle. The hall awash with soft glow, she folded her arms, simmering with annoyance. "I looked everywhere for you."

It was only partially a lie. She had started to follow Joshua after being caught kissing his brother, and had paused momentarily outside the ballroom to straighten her appearance to prevent any untoward rumours, only to have him disappear from her sight. Desperate digging for information had revealed that he had been seen being followed by the Sanchez brothers. She had gotten into her carriage and searched high and low for them to no avail, and then had gone home and waited for them with simmering impatience.

"It is past midnight."

"Oh. Ah. Sorry about that." Dick ruffled the back of his head, "We were supposed to escort you home. But you don't particularly need an escort, now do you! We've taught you well." he said affably, grinning. Then peered at her grim face.

"We got...caught up." Tony explained, "Dick siphoned from Joshua again. Not good emotions."

Her expression changed, and she stood up, her eyes widening. "He did? Oh! Are you okay?" then she said in alarm, "Was he okay?"

"Ah, how quickly your concern shifts." Dick grinned, "Perhaps he wouldn't be so miserable if he knew you were panting after him."

"Panting?" she howled, offended, and the brothers laughed happily, "I wouldn't be so sure he would want anything to do with me." she grumbled under her breath.

Dick suddenly stilled, stepping close to her. She reared back, raising her brows. He squinted at her, his face reddening with effort. "Uh, its so easy with Joshua." he squeezed his eyes shut. Then he opened them, staring at her in surprise, "Guilt?"

She folded her arms.

"Oh." Dick said slowly.

She raised her chin defensively.

"It was you? You made him feel like that? What did you do?" he asked accusingly.

she stared at him in disbelief, "Dick, are you my childhood friend or his?"

"I love you, Kasey." DIck fumed, "But he's apparently a keg and while I'm still around primed to be assaulted by his emotions, I would thank you to keep your claws away from him."

She stared at him, her mouth hanging open. "Where is he?" she snapped, marching to coat hanger and pulling off her cloak. They gaped at her.

"It's past midnight, Kasey." Tony said.

She turned to them, closing the cloak under her chin, and said deliberately. "Where is he?"

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