The Right Of Ownership

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Kasey found herself standing in front of the sprawling bookstore where she had first met Joshua. He had stopped her from strangling Dick, and they had ended up upturning a bookshelf. She had never given a second thought to the location, but apparently...Joshua owned the bookstore.

A bookstore.

She imagined there were countless things a man born in wealth and nobility could do in this world, and yet he had chosen to do this. She remembered a vague remark made during one of their first meetings over a card game, where his opponent had threatened the bookstore, but she had never given it much thought.

Nobility considered trade beneath them. It was another reason to shun him. Another thing he did just to show them he didn't care.

Kasey took a deep breath before pushing the large doors open. They were unlocked.

A bell tinkled as she stepped across the entrance, shivering slightly as the warmth of the building washed over. She stood at the entrance for a few moments, admiring the view. Even as a person who was rarely given to reading, she could admit the rows upon rows of bookcases, with countless glossy titles neatly lining the shelves, was a beautiful sight. A hearth in the corner blazed with heat, the only source of light in the night, and plush armchairs lined around it, providing a place to browse in comfort.

The counter across from the entrance seated a young man who was nodding off. He jumped at the soft tinkle, staring at her in bafflement.

"We're closed, Miss."

She strode up to the counter. On closer inspection, the shopkeeper appeared to be young-perhaps in his late teens, and extremely impressionable.

"Where is he?" she asked.

The boy blanched, his gaze flicking past her nervously, "Who are you looking for, Miss?"

"I wish to speak with Joshua Dashwood."

"Him? If it is a book you're wanting, I can help you find anything you want, Miss. Mr Dashwood does not deal with the customers directly." He stuttered.

"There's no book I wish to find." She explained, "I just wish to speak with him."

The boy was looking more uncomfortable by the minute. "Joshua--that is to say, Mr. Dashwood," he flushed at the faux pas, "doesn't prefer to have company while he's sorting through the new shipment...or ever, s'matter of fact-"

"He will wish to speak to me." She said confidently.

"Begging your pardon, Miss, but not many ladies like yourself come here unless they...that is to say..." the boy's resemblance to a tomato was spectacular, "Not that you are..." he rushed, "But they don't consider it honourable, the ton don't, for a man of his rank to be working..."

The boy groaned, "He will kill me." He ended miserably, "Such a good job too. Only me second month."

Kasey suppressed her smile of amusement, "Don't worry." She said firmly, "Tell me where he is, and I shall drop a kind word for you. Will tell him I had to bodily drag you with myself to see him, you were so good at restraining me."

The boy looked, if it was even possible, even more horrified. "Don't be saying that, Miss! I didn't touch you!"

Kasey couldn't help a chuckle then. "I was just jesting with you. Fear not. Even if I said such a thing, Mr. Dashwood would know I am the one at fault."

The boy was studying her curiously, "Why would that be?"

Kasey shrugged, "I'm a bit of a troublemaker. He knows that." She stated.

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