The Invitation

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Joshua dismounted, coming up behind her where she was tending to his horse. He watched the field over her head, watching the men fighting without acknowledging their intrusion. Brutal fighters, the lot of them, all divided in groups. There was some sort of order to it that he was yet to learn. Some were pounding at each other with fists. Some were clashing swords. Far into the distance he could see archers. There might be magic joining the mix somewhere, but not in the fighters right in front of him. Everywhere he looked, there was blood and sweat and strength.

"The fields." Kasey breathed, obvious admiration lacing her voice, "It's where all the soldiers train."

He shot her a sharp look, "Is this where you trained?"

"Not at first." she admitted, watching the men fighting with fondness in her eyes, "But once I proved my potential, I was allowed to join."

"How old were you?"

She sighed in memory, "Fourteen."

He stiffened, suppressing a shudder. He knew she was a bloody good fighter, but the idea of a young Kasey thrown amidst this bloodthirsty lot was sobering. Even now years of honed instincts where he was supposed to be the protector made him want to take her away from the sweat and grime and hundreds of men with their forbidding muscles, but he knew it wouldn't go well if he attempted it.

She bloody liked it here.

He stepped past her, and she followed him closely. Some men shot him a brief look before continuing what they were doing, not acknowledging him. It was a combination of forced respect and a lack of true regard--rightly so, because he hadn't earned his position as their Prince.

"You  need someone to fight." Kasey was saying, "To train you."

He turned to her, smiling lazily, "Are you to be my trainer then?"

A month ago, the sentence would have baffled him. Now he was learning to not put much past her.

A soft flush darkened her cheeks, and it pleased him to see that she was flattered. Surprised him too. These people knew her far longer than he did--hadn't anyone paid her a bloody complement?

She shook her head firmly. "I'm no trainer. I would kill you in the first fight with how annoying you can be...Your Highness."


She was scanning her gaze around, and then she stilled, her gaze acquiring that particular brand of admiration that caused his hackles to rise. "I'll ask Shrader."

Joshua walked beside her, studying her with a frown. He followed her gaze, and almost faltered.

The golden haired man stood far away with his back to them, not involved in a fight but probably fresh from it, shirtless. The sight of him caused an immediate, intense dislike to lance through Joshua's chest. Damn it. Even he couldn't deny that the man, even without facing them, made a bloody handsome picture, from the top of his haloed golden hair to his ripping muscles that glowed with sweat. There were numerous scars marring his skin from countless battles, but none that had proved disfiguring. He stood with a particular grace that was unexpected in a soldier, like that of a lazy tiger. Hell, he could have passed for a King were he given a crown. His arms moved with hypnotic motions over something in front of him, an impressive display of flexing muscles and strength.

As they drew closer it became clearer he was sharpening a massive broadsword, and not a twitch in his body gave way to the fact that he realized they were coming up behind him.

Joshua turned back to Kasey to find her watching Shrader intently. A unexpected feeling assaulted him. He hated her looking at that man. Hated having her see his unfathomable beauty--his obvious strength. He felt curiously like a bug under her feet, watching her smile absently towards that man.

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