Chapter 14

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So after all that I spoke with Jake, I decided to ask around college to see if anyone knew Sean. I had to make sure my gut was right, and it wasnt just pure jealousy. No one in my first year classes knew much about him, just rumors on his family, saying he was the son of a gang leader, or that he was a sleeper agent for the goverment. Ridiculous bullshit.

"When exactly am I gonna find some concrete information?"

I spent weeks looking for something, but gave up after coming up with nothing. It was one October morning that I went directly to the courtyard. There was this really nice shade under a tree where very few people passed by. It was really tranquil.

"Now this may not be a good corner to play but... it's really nice."

I pulled out my notepad and started brainstorming stories. I was coming up one about angels and demons when I saw Ashley.

"Hey, Ash."

"Oh, hey, Adam. What'cha doing?"

"Nothing, just some overdue work I gotta finish."

"Mind some company?"

"Not at all."

We sat there, and as I wrote, she talked. Her head was always a clutter but this time it seemed like one-track-mind. She just talked and talked about how amazing Sean was. With every word, I felt a knot in my stomach growing worse.

"Then... Oh, hey Sean."

"Hello, you. And good day to you, best friend."


I wanted to ignore him. I didn't even bother looking up.

"Hey, Ash, wanna go practice. We got that choir thing next week."

"Sure. See ya later, Adam."


They both left and I closed my notepad and sighed deeply. Slamming the back of my head against the tree trunk, I was trying to figure out what to do next. Then, someone showed up.

"Hello, are you friends with that girl that was with Sean?"

She looked just a bit older than me. A second year, perhaps?

"Yeah. What's up?"

"Look after her. She's gonna get hurt."

Wait, someone finally knows something about him to confirm my suspicions?

"Wait, what do you mean?"

"Well this was just a rumor until the moment my best friend went out with him and I found out it was true, but..."

She told me. Hell, if what she told me was right, it could arguably be worse than what I had imagined. She told me of everything, then gave me one final warning.

"If you really care about that girl, I'd tell her the truth. She needs to be careful."

"T-thanks for telling me."

She nodded and walked away. I was stumped under that tree, trying to make heads or tails of what I heard. I spent the next few hours under that tree, just thinking of what to do with the information I had just received. But the hour was getting late and I had a class to show up to.

Lot of good that did me. I spent an entire hour in American Literature drowning out the voice of the professor, and couldn't think of anything but Ashley. What if those rumors were true? With every thought, I was getting angrier. I was walking through that hallway when I saw the two of them talking all close like. I couldn't control myself.

"Hey, what the hell man?"

I got between them and looked at him very suspiciously.

"Adam, what are you doing?"

"Get away from her. I heard what you did to that girl. I'm not gonna let you hurt Ashley the same way."

"What girl.... wait. You didn't talk with a curly haired brunette, did ya?"

I looked down for a second and he sighed.

"Jesus, dude. Of course she's gonna spread crap rumors about me. She was jealous of her best friend who I dated last year. She wanted to get with me but I didn't stand for it, so she freaking started spreading rumors like that."

"See Adam? Come on, just calm--"

"No. I don't trust this viper. Whatever it may be, I will not let you take her."

"Oh, I see. You're just like that girl. Can't accept the fact Ashley chose me so you gotta do everything in your power to brake us up."

"Why you--"

I grabbed him by the collar of his brand name shirt.

"Adam, that's enough!"

Ashley grabbed me. She was getting angry. Haven't seen her like that since... April.

"Look Ashley, I..."

"I don't care. Leave. Before you do something you'll regret."

She was serious. When I turned to look at Sean, he was smirking. He knew he had won. I was so pissed.

"Look here, you little piece of shit. If I ever see or hear that you made Ashley cry. One tear. Just fucking one. I will punch you so hard in the face, you'll need plastic surgery just to look remotely human. Got it?"

He kept smirking, and I let go.

"Apologize, Adam."

"Like hell I will."

I walked away. If she was gonna take his side, let her. But now I was fueling my hatred. And that in turn made sure that I would be ready. She may be pissed at me for acting like that, but protecting her is one of the duties I decided to take as her friend.

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