I - Her

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February 9th, 2016

Helloooooooo. So this is my new Loki fanfic, which is dedicated to the delightful squigglesquirrel. He is one of my closest friends, and I hope you all like it as much as he seems to. ^_^

Also, even though there is a 99.9% chance of him never seeing this, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOM HIDDLESTON. <3

Enjoy. :)


Chapter One

Every year, the royal family took new servants. After the Allfather declared Loki pardoned, he was now included in this choosing for the first time in nearly two years.

Some of the servants were simply women of low status that wanted to live in the palace, while others were prisoners that had committed small crimes. Seline Volkov was one of these prisoners. And she had no idea what was in store for her.

She had somehow ended up in Asgard for reasons and under circumstances that she was unaware of. One moment she was feeding off of a normal-looking man, and the next, she was in another realm with this man standing in a guard's uniform on the opposite side of a cell wall. She had asked him what he had done, why he had taken her there, but he didn't say anything. He just grinned at her, as if she had been a beautiful golden trophy he had put in a glass case. He visited her often, saying his name was Valneer. He spoke to her and attempted at getting her to reply to him, but she just sat in the corner and stayed completely calm. She ignored him, and that angered him to the point where he would hit her force field and burn himself before leaving in a fit of rage.

She had tasted his blood. He seemed like a normal human being, but she had tasted something different. It was like he had charcoal in his veins, and she remembered hearing him laugh before she dropped down to the ground unconscious.

It seemed that the guard hadn't told anyone about her feeding habits, because the servants only brought normal food. Well, as normal as dried porridge and old slightly rotting fruit could be. She hadn't fed on blood in at least two weeks, but she was an old one. She could last as long as a month if she really wanted to, though she had never tried it.

She awoke to the sound of the force field suddenly disappearing. She looked to the wall and saw two guards standing there. She stood up from the bed and walked over to them, but they stayed completely calm. They both watched her with a cold and dead expression.

"What's going on?" Seline asked, running a hand through her tangled hair.

"You have been chosen to be a servant," The guard on the left said coolly.

"A what?" she growled. She was immortal, she was 984 years old. She had not worked for anyone in nine centuries, everyone always worked for her.

"A servant," the guard on the right hissed. She narrowed her eyes at him when he did. "It's either that, or stay here."

She bit her lip a little, then sighed and stuck out her wrists. She knew that she would have to be handcuffed, and she was right.

The guard on the right, the easily angered one, reached up and cuffed her wrists. She clenched her teeth when the cuffs pinched at her skin, but she didn't scream out like the guard thought she would, much to his disappointment. She was tolerant with pain, she had felt enough of it.

The guard on the right grabbed her arm at the elbow and dragged her along with him.

He held her a little tighter now, and the one on the left turned to him. "Don't damage the goods, Houttle," he said.

The guard's jaws clenched as he dragged her up the steps angrily, following behind a long line of more servants and more guards. But, strangely, she was the only one with two guards. Even some of the men didn't have two guards.

Maybe they really did know what she was.

The line moved into the great hall. She knew what the room was because he had heard the guards speak of it as they walked up the steps. The room was huge and looked like it could fit thousands of people, and now there was just a long line of about 10 possible servants and 12 guards.

Three men all stood at the front of the room, and it didn't take a genius to know that this was the royal family.

Seline loved Mythology. It wasn't that big of a surprise to her that the legends of the nine realms were real. She knew the names of the gods, and what they were known for.

The smallest man had a steel eye patch over his right eye, and a beard with long grey hair. He had a staff with him too, and she knew that he was the king. He was Odin.

The man to his left was his son, that much was clear. He had silver armor and a red cape, and was holding the hammer Mjolnir. He was Thor. He held a strange elegance to him, like he had gone through a transformation in the recent past. Seline could sense that he had changed recently. He had turned into a kinder person, a stronger one.

The man to Odin's right was Loki. It was clear to Seline that he was still very much an outcast, even after he had been pardoned. He was Odin's son, but he wasn't truly accepted again. Not yet. He had dark hair that was slicked back, and pale skin with brilliant green eyes. His eyes had a glint in them, a glint of mischief. His lips were turned up ever so slightly, like he had a constant smirk on his face. He wore dark green and golden armor, and Seline was a little surprised to not see his legendary scepter and helmet with him, but realized it was likely taken after his imprisonment. He held his hands behind his back and had an oddly confident air to him.

Seline didn't like him very much, she decided. He was the god of mischief and lies, and she had far too much trouble in her life already. She didn't need any more.

However, fate was completely against her.

Odin and Thor both took two male servants each, which left six female ones. Seline being one of them, the last in the line.

Odin and Thor took a female servant each, and then there were four.

"Loki," Odin said, causing the god to turn and raise a brow at him. "Are you sure you don't want a personal servant?" He asked.

Loki sighed a little, moving his hands from behind his back to clasp them together in front of him. He shrugged his shoulders, then walked towards the servants. The others all looked down, frightened of him, but Seline watched him closely with nothing but curiosity.

He moved down the line, his eyes narrowed ever so slightly. He saw how the others all cowered away from him, and was somewhat displeased by their reactions, but then he reached Seline.

He looked her directly in the eyes, and that was the moment when he felt truly drawn to her. She was interesting to him, which was rare these days. He squinted ever so slightly, seeming puzzled and perplexed by her.

It was her eyes. There was a maturity and a strength that he had never seen before, not even in his father or in Thor. She was powerful.

"What is your name?" He demanded to know.

"Seline," she said, her voice not shaking and her confidence not wavering.

"You are a Midgardian, correct?"

"Yes," she said, but he saw the glint in her eyes. She was telling the truth, but not all of it.

He would find out. By the time he was done with her, he would know her deepest and darkest secrets. He would know every guilty pleasure that she had. She would be his.

"Her," Loki said, looking to the two guards holding her, then to Odin and Thor. "I will take her."

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