LVII - Fealty

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k so I feel like this song represents this chapter perfectly

But like at the same time the song makes me so mad because it's so fucking beautiful and it only has 700 views on YouTube



Chapter Fifty-Seven

Loki and Thor had been gone for four days. It had, unfortunately, made Seline frightened. She was afraid of what was going to happen to them. Who would take over Asgard? Would they try to appoint anyone else? And, of course, she wondered if she would ever see them again. Seline imagined that, while running a kingdom, it wasn't exactly easy to switch between worlds.

Her thoughts had been consuming her when she heard the elevator open up to the living room of her floor. She inhaled just slightly, and then froze and held her breath when she realized that it was his scent. The one that had once drawn her to him like a magnet to metal.

She sped out to the living room to see Loki standing there. He reminded her of the first time she saw him more than a year ago. He wore his Asgardian clothing and armour, all but his helmet. It was almost startling to see him not wearing the Midgardian clothing that he had become so accustomed to.He had clearly just come back from Asgard, and was waiting to see her. The only thing that was different from the last time she had seen him in his old clothing was that he had a sword sheathed at his hip.

"I've missed you," she told him.

She wanted to rush to him and hold him like he was the only thing that mattered to her, but he looked nervous. Unsure. What if he had brought bad news?

He suddenly strode over to her, his hands rubbing together slightly. Then he stood in front of her, and swallowed before speaking.

"Thor spoke to me about this only a few hours ago, but... In reality, I have been contemplating this for a very long time now."

He seemed so unsure, that she took his hands away from each other and held them in her own.

"Loki, you can tell me anything. You know that."

He blinked a few times, then nodded.

"For a long time, I wondered how someone as beautiful and loving and compassionate as you could ever love a monster such as I. But then you showed me that I am not a monster as long as I have you by my side."

She didn't quite know where he was going with that, but didn't dare interrupt him.

"From the moment I saw you, you intrigued me and captured my interest in a way that no one ever has before. And then I fell in love with you over time, because I saw who you really were. You showed me your darkest demons and I showed you mine. You did not run from me and I did not run from you."

She only smiled at him. "I did not run from you because there is nothing to be afraid of," she said, raising her hand and resting it on his cheek.

He closed his eyes for a moment, sighing softly and leaning into her palm before opening his eyes again.

"I did not run from you because you are not a monster, Seline. You never have been. You may have seen yourself that way but you have saved more people than you have killed, and that is purely amazing," he swallowed, and then reached up to lay his hand over hers. "And I did not turn away from you because I love you too much to ever do so."

She was going to reply and say that she loved him too, but then he removed both of his hands from hers and drew his sword. She took away her hand, looking down at it with a puzzled expression before looking back up at him. He went down on one knee, then to both and held out the sword to her. His hand rested under the hilt, and the other was under the blade.

"That is why I must ask something of you now. I love you, Seline. My brother wants to return to Earth and help to protect it, but he does not want to leave our home to anyone but me. I cannot rule it on my own. I need you," he said.

His last words almost came out in a whisper, and it surprised her.

"I cannot control a kingdom if I cannot even control myself," he told Seline. "I can't do this on my own."

She did not know what to do, or what to say. She didn't what understand what he was asking from her, but... If it was what she thought it was, she already knew her answer.

"I will not lie, ruling over a kingdom is terrifying. It is frightening. If it is too much for you, I will go to my brother now and tell him that I cannot take over Asgard. But if not, then you will easily make me one of the happiest men in the universe."

Seline licked her lips, them bit her bottom one. What on earth was she supposed to say?

"Seline, if you say yes, you will have a kingdom at your feet. But you will have me by your side, and I will swear absolute fealty to you. I will be yours to command, and I will do anything for you. I am asking you now..."

He continued to look down, but then he raised his head and looked her in the eyes.

"Will you marry me, and become my Queen?"

She didn't say a word.

"I understand that this is a great deal to ask, but-"

He cut himself off when she suddenly sank before him and put her hands on his, forcing him to lower his sword to the ground. Then she took his cheeks in her palms and kissed him with more passion than she had ever had before. She could hear his heart racing in his chest, and she knew that if her heart wasn't that of a vampire and was not so slow, hers would be too. Though they both were beings of cold, heat surged wherever they touched each other. She knew that she would not be able to live without him. Not ever again.

She pulled away, and said her answer quickly while almost panting.

"Yes," she whispered. "I will marry you."

The look in his eyes warmed her heart. It was a look of absolute shock, which then turned to pure happiness as he kissed her again, and again, and again.

And they spent the night together, preparing to tell the people that they loved of what they decided the very next morning.

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