XIV - Attack

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Chapter Fourteen

It wasn't until late that night that Seline realized what was wrong with Felman. In fact, it was almost early morning. The sun was just barely rising when she heard it.

Being a vampire, Seline had increased hearing about ten times as strong as the average human. She had learned to control it, but when she was just waking up and was disoriented, sometimes she lost control and was incredibly sensitive. This was one of those times, because she heard movement near the campfire.

She went outside, knowing that it was rare for anyone to be up this early. And she was glad that she did when she saw him.

"Felman," she called out.

He stood by the fire pit, his eyes half open and his skin as white as snow, contrasting his dark hair and eyes. Sweat lingered on his skin, and his hands trembled.

"Help me," he whispered, right before he started to fall forwards on his knees.

Seline rushed forwards and caught him, then laid him down slowly.

"Amond! Augustus!" she called, knowing that they would be strong enough to help.

The two men came rushing out of their tents, along with a few other people. They had all heard the desperation in her voice. They knew that something was wrong.

Felman was still awake, but barely. His eyes were open half way, and they seemed to be going back and forth, as if he were looking at a moving thing directly above him.

"Lift him up," she told them, ignoring their rushed questions asking why he looked like that and if he was okay. "Be gentle, he's going have difficulty breathing."

She would have no problem doing it herself, but that would look rather suspicious for a 5'6" girl to be lifting a man that was a foot taller and weighed at least 50 pounds more than her.

SHe rushed over to one of the carts, hearing the two men grunt as they lifted him on a count of three. She arranged blankets and pillows to form a makeshift bed for Felman on the cart.

"Put him there," she said.

They did so with a small amount of difficulty, but soon, Felman was laid on the bed. He was groaning softly, but that was good. It meant that the fever hadn't taken him yet.

Seline believed that Felman had some type of fever, likely one he had contracted from either an animal or one of the supervisors that only left the castles once in awhile. At that point, it didn't matter where he got it. All that mattered was getting him to the palace.

"We're going earlier than planned," she stated, walking to the large tent where the horses were kept. She took the reigns of two of the fastest and largest horses they had and led them to the cart. "We need to take Felman to the healers now. We should make it to the castle before midnight if we go now."

"What's wrong with him? Is there any way we could help him here instead?" Augustus asked while he and Amond came to help hitch the horses to the cart.

"He has some kind of a fever, and no, there really isn't," she said, biting on her bottom lip a little. "If his body temperature is this high for more than 48 hours, he will die."

Obviously she had thought of giving him her blood, but it wasn't an option. Felman was Aesir, he was born in Asgard. If compulsion didn't work on them, then chances of her blood having any effect were low. Yes, it helped Ace and Newt, but they had told her that they had traces of Midgardian blood in them. Felman didn't. For all she knew, her blood could kill him.

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