XLIX - Crescent

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Chapter Fourty-Nine

Tony had told Loki about an odd Midgardian contraption that he referred to as an "AI". He said that it was short for "Artificial Intelligence". According to Thor, Tony had created a person out of electricity. He could talk to it and make it do as he wished. It was basically a slave that would never refuse. Loki found it strange, but he finally did find himself speaking to it when he awoke alone. He saw that Seline had left behind a note, saying she was either on the rooftop or had gone out for the day. He dressed himself, then went out into the kitchen.

"Friday," he said aloud, and the AI quickly turned on a screen as she spoke to him.

"Yes, Mr. Laufeyson?"

"Where has Seline gone?"

"She is on the rooftop, sir."

Loki nodded a little, and was heading to the elevator, when Friday suddenly said something that he didn't even think an AI could.

"Uh oh. This is not good," she stated.

"What is it?" he asked her.

"Miss Volkov is on the roof with Mr. Stark," she said.

"What?" he said, unable to hide the annoyance lingering in his voice. "Show me."

When she did show him what was happening, Loki was immediately running to the elevator. Seline was on the roof, and Tony was in his damaged suit. Then he fell, and Seline dove right after him.

He decided that he would teleport instead, using what was left of his very little amount of power at that current time to get down to the streets as fast as possible. He ended up in the lobby of the building, and practically ran past Thor, who was rushing out the doors as well. He forced his way through the people, with Thor right behind him. He could hear Jacob and Jordan shouting behind him, but didn't turn to look at them.

He felt his heart begin to race when he saw Seline's body. It was broken and bloody, and her eyes were void of all life. She was under Tony, and it looked like she had made sure it was her that hit the SUV straight on instead of him. Tony was groaning, and it was surprising that they weren't knocked out.

Loki could hear strange sirens going off all around the city, most of the sounds seeming to come closer and closer. He didn't know what they meant, nor did he care.

"Leave them!" Jacob shouted from inside the crowd. "Leave them alone!"

Loki let out a sound that resembled a growl as he used his strength to climb onto and jump on top of the SUV. "If you think I am going to leave her, you-"

"We can't move Tony, he could be paralyzed if we do," he said immediately. "It's happened many times before. Just don't move him until the paramedics get here."

"And Seline?" Thor said to him, glancing at the growing crowd forming around them with a worried expression.

"She'll be fine. She's been through worse," Jordan insisted from behind Jacob.

The sirens were soon almost deafening Loki, and he turned to see that two large, white, van-like vehicles had appeared beside them. When the vehicles stopped, they kept their blue and red lights turned on, but turned off the loud sounds.

"Let them take Tony," Jacob said. "But leave Seline to us."

Loki looked down at them with an expression of uncertainty, but allowed the medics and Thor to lift Tony onto a bed-like contraption that then fix into the vehicle.

"Jordan, go with Tony," Jacob told him, and Jordan's eyes glinted. He seemed to know what Jacob was about to say next. "Do what you do best. Keep him safe."

The Blood Of A God || Loki LaufeysonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon