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It had been one year since Seline and Loki arrived in Asgard. Their wedding was the next week, with the help of many different planners that Loki had at his command, and then their coronation was one day later. The Avengers had come for both, only staying for two days so that they could get back to Earth and go back to work. They did love Asgard though, and Jordan said he would definitely return.

On the day of their coronation, Seline and Loki announced that anyone that was like her would be given the choice to either stay in Asgard, or to go back home. She had been brought to Asgard against her will, and while it had ended up being the best thing that had ever happened to her, it was not the same for some others. With that, most servants left. Some stayed, wanting to see where the new rulers took them, and the rest stayed simply because they liked Asgard more than their old home.

In the first months since they took the crown, Lady Sif and the Warriors Three assisted Seline and Loki greatly. Because of that, Loki appointed them all the head guards, Valneer's previous position.

One of the ways they helped was by travelling back and forth between the worlds, delivering Seline human blood. Seline was resistant to the idea at first, insisting it was too tiring for them to travel between worlds, but they were more than happy to do it. Because of them, she was able to stay fed and hunger as no longer an issue for her like it was when she first arrived in Asgard. 

Ace and Newt, the two kitchen boys that had treated Seline so well, were also promoted. They would be taking apprenticeships from the main chef of the castle, and would soon share his position when he retired. Augustus was making frequent visits to the castle, thus spending a lot of time with Ace. Seline could almost hear the wedding bells. Newt, on the other hand, was coming out of his shell a little more. He was making more friends and talking to Seline more than he had been before, not nearly as shy as he once was.

Ariana, the maid that Seline had grown close with, was sent back to Earth. She would be happy to be with her family again, but promised to come back and visit Seline when she could. As it turned out, she had decided that she wanted to come back to Asgard. She had missed Fandral far too much to stay away, and so within a month, she came back. They were married soon after.

Gunna and Felman were appointed the head hunters, meaning that they would have the job of taking inventory of all of the food and coming to Seline and Loki to give reports.

Being a Queen was, of course, difficult. It had it's trials, and Seline was still getting used to it, but it helped to have Loki by her side. They evened things out for each other, making it far less difficult than it would have been alone.

The topic of an heir had been mentioned many times by nobles that were concerned about the future for the kingdom. Seline, however, was unable to have children, as her physical body was essentially dead. Neither of them particularly cared what the nobles thought, and weren't concerned with having an heir to take the throne. That is, until they found two children that truly connected with them in the first year that they were King and Queen.

The first was a thirteen year-old girl named Sigrid and the second was a little four year old boy named Torstein. Thor had been rather happy about the boy, since Torstein was name derived from his.

Sigrid had a heart of gold, but was a remarkable fighter. She had watched Sif and the Warriors Three since she was a child, seeing them walk the streets and spar for the entertainment of the people. She had a photographic memory, but it was very advanced. She remembered everything, even memories from when she was a baby. Seeing the fighting techniques of Sif and the Warriors Three, she mastered them. She was the kind of child that tried her best to look after everyone else, even when she wasn't looking after herself. Remembering everything was definitely a blessing and a curse, meaning she remembered her parents being killed by thieves. She remembered the attacks of the Dark Elves, where the owner of her orphanage was killed. Sigrid was one of the older children in the orphanage, and she took the role of a mothering figure fairly early. In an effort to keep her friends safe and her brothers and sisters (which is what she referred to the children at the orphanage as) safe, she learned to fight and became strong. She had a heart of gold, looking after everyone before herself. Her hair was long and blonde, and shone like the golden buildings of Asgard. Her eyes were bright green, and her skin was slightly tanned. She had the skill of a warrior and the mind of a ruler, and she would be one some day.

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