LI - Volatile

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Chapter Fifty-One

When she awoke, Seline found that she had fully healed. It had been a few days, but with the amount of bones and organs that she had completely and utterly destroyed in that fall, a longer time to heal than usual was to be expected. Now, she felt perfectly fine. A little tired still, but fine.

She saw Loki sitting in a chair by the bed, a book in hand. As if he could distinctly feel her eyes watching him, he glanced up, doing a slight double-take from her to the book, and then back to her again. He immediately put it down, and asked her if she was alright.

"I'm fine, Loki," she assured him, sitting up in the bed.

She rubbed at her left shoulder a little, fighting back a cringe. She distinctly remembered what it was like to snap that exact shoulder blade in half. It turned out that falling on top of an SUV from the roof of the Stark building wasn't good for the bones.

"Does it hurt still?" he asked, concern flooding his voice.

"No, not at all. Just a little tense, I guess," she said, almost absentmindedly.

Loki watched her closely, and she could tell that he knew. She was almost out of it, consumed with her thoughts. She was worried about something, and he was determined to find out what it was.

"Seline, what is troubling you?" Loki asked, his brow furrowed.

She looked over at him, and for the first time since the night that Amond and Kayla were killed, he saw a rare emotion in her eyes; fear.

She swallowed, then looked down at her hands. She fidgeted for a second, the finally looked him in the eyes.

"Friday, are Jordan Goss or Jacob Laitfis in the tower right now?" she asked.

"No, Miss Volkov. They have gone out for the day."

She turned back to Loki, now happy that there wasn't a possibility of her two friends knowing what she was about to say.

"Loki, I need to tell you something. And what I say cannot leave this room," she told him.

He hesitated, but then nodded slowly, even more concern coming into his eyes while he leaned over with his elbows on his knees. "You can trust me."

"I know," she whispered, biting her lip. "I had to... I had to do something to save Jordan. Something bad."

He didn't say anything, and instead simply waited for her to continue when she was able.

"I gave a piece of my soul to him. And in exchange, a Soul Stealer now owns me. Or at least, he will the moment I die."

Loki was silent, but she could see the wheels in his mind turning. He was likely imagining all the ways that he could slaughter the man who now essentially owned her.

"What is his name?"


"His name," he growled.

She saw it for a split second. His skin rippled blue, white scar-like lines moving across his face. His eyes flashed red, and it was gone as soon as it had shown. He had lost control for only a few moments, just like she had a countless number of times.

She bit at the inside of her cheek for a second, feeling strangely nervous. She thought that perhaps she really was afraid of Malachai. But as she looked at Loki a little closer, and saw the anger and protective nature showing within his eyes, she knew that she wasn't afraid of Malachai. She was afraid of what he would do to Loki.

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