V - Drunk

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February 12th, 2016

Updating because squigglesquirrel bought me lunch today and this was our deal. :')


Chapter Five

Seline was almost ready to go to sleep when a knock at the door was heard. She sped to get dressed in clothes other than her night clothes, and ended up in a long sleeved shirt and black pants, her go-to outfit. She ran to the door, opening it to see an annoyed-looking Ace.

"You might wanna come to the dining hall," he sighed.


"Loki is drunk off his rocks," he groaned. "And so is everyone else. But he's by far the worst."

She groaned, and walked out of Loki's chambers, shutting the doors behind her. "What kind of a drunk is he?"

"A mischievous, trouble-making, overly giddy one," Ace said. "Somewhat emotional at times, but mostly just amusing," he chuckled.

"So why do you want me to go and get him?"

"Because the rest of the staff and I really don't want to wake up to a torn up dining room. It's bad enough already!" he said, annoyed. "Three of the windows no longer have drapes because Lord Volstagg decided they looked like nice blankets, the table is broken because Prince Thor accidentally dropped Mjolnir on it, and I'm pretty sure that Lady Sif and Lord Fandral may have left. Together. And Fandral was half-naked."

"Well then..." she sighed. "I suppose I should go and get him."

He nodded. "Yes. Yes you should."

They both walked to the dining hall, hearing the screaming and laughing start to increase as they neared it. She walked into the dining room, and saw that it was just as bad as Ace had said. And when she saw Loki, she was even more surprised.

"You have got to be kidding me," she growled, putting her hands on her hips.

Loki was swinging from the chandelier, humming to himself.

"My lord!" Seline called out.

He looked down, then a grin broke out onto his face. "Seline!" he shouted, then disappeared. He reappeared next to Seline, having teleported there. He was less than a centimeter away from her, and she turned to look at him, then jumped.

"Jesus Christ!" she shouted, backing up a little when he suddenly popped up near her.

"Who is Jesus?" he asked, looking completely perplexed with his eyes slightly wide. He looked like a confused and naive little child.

She sighed. "Never mind," she said, then grabbed his arm. "Now, come on. You need to go to bed."

"No!" he groaned, but didn't fight very hard. It may have just been the intoxication in his brain, but he really wasn't trying to get away.

She dragged him out of the dining hall, saying goodbye to Ace before doing so. They continued down the hallway, Loki groaning in protest once or twice on the way there. They were almost there when he suddenly stopped, and Seline turned to pull him again, but then she saw the look on his face.

He was looking at another pair of double doors similar to his, but larger. It took a moment, but she realized why. This door led to Frigga's old chambers, which, according to Ace, hadn't been touched in nearly two years.

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