IV - Hiding Something

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February 12th, 2016

This chapter was weird... e_e


Chapter Four

The morning was one of Seline's least favorite parts of the day, which was why waking up at that time would certainly take some getting used to.

Seline had been Loki's servant for a little over a week now. He had seemed to catch on to the fact that she didn't eat human food, and she could tell that he found it strange, but he never questioned her.

Seline was trying to find ways to get out of Asgard, and at first, she thought of going to Thor. But she knew that she couldn't trust anyone in Asgard. She also knew that there was a few other ways to leave Asgard other than the Bifrost, and according to Ace and Newt, Loki was the only one who knew where they all were.

She knew she shouldn't trust Loki, but for some odd reason, she couldn't help but do so.

He was different from the way that others described him. Perhaps he had changed. Even so, there were some times where she could question that statement.

Other people didn't seem to realize that people are not born as monsters. Seline knew that for a fact. It was the things done to them and the people around them that changed them.

Seline would never say it aloud, but she did believe that Odin was at fault for how Loki acted. If he had just told the truth from the beginning, then maybe Loki wouldn't have tried to take over Asgard or Earth. Maybe he would have turned out differently, instead of being known as the God of Lies.

But there was nothing that could change what had happened. You can't take back your mistakes. Seline knew that more than anyone.

Seline opened the drapes, the sun pooling in. She winced and blinked rapidly, then went back over to Loki.

He sighed softly, and rubbed at his eyes before sitting up, the sheet falling from his bare chest.

She went over to the desk, where his armor was laid out and now completely polished. She checked to make sure it was perfect, then looked to Loki, who was now sitting on the edge of the bed and yawning softly.

"I'll go retrieve your breakfast, my lord," she said. "And don't forget, Thor would like to meet with you tonight after dinner."

"I never forget," Loki said groggily, rubbing at his eyes.

"Yes you do," she said, quiet enough for him to not hear and with a slight smirk playing on her lips as she left his room.

She went to the kitchen and said hello to Ace and Newt. They both said hello back, Ace being his normal confident self and Newt beginning to become less shy around her.

She suspected that Newt had social anxiety from the way that he kept away from all of the other cooks and servants, all except for Ace and Seline. He seemed to not trust a lot of people, and not like being so surrounded. It was likely very overwhelming for him. Seline felt bad about that, so she talked to him avidly to keep him distracted from all of the people around him while he grabbed plates and utensils for the trays that they were setting up.

"Hey, Newt," she said. "Is there any place in Asgard that you would suggest I go on the incredibly rare occasion that I get a day off?" she asked.

"The Marsen tavern is a really good place," he said, finishing up a tray. "Often pretty quiet, but the ale is great."

"Sounds like a nice place to go," she said. "Do you go there a lot?"

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