XXXV - Jet

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This was fun to write :3

I'm going to see Suicide Squad on August 6th I'M SO EXCITEDDDDD

k bye


Chapter Thirty-Five

"Who are you?"

Fury heard the unfamiliar voice speak from the other side of the room, and had to tear his eyes away from the long claw marks along the wooden door frame to face the unknown person.

"I need to speak with Jordan Goss. Is he here?" Fury asked.

"Yes," the man muttered, crossing his arms over his chest. A sudden expression of recognition came over him, and Fury could only assume that this man really did know who he was. "But he's sleeping, something which he doesn't seem to do a lot of these days. Therefore, I won't be allowing you to see him today."

Fury would like to say he wasn't taken aback by the hostile nature of this man, but he was.

"It was her, wasn't it?" he asked after a moment of silence.

He saw the man's annoyed expression fade a little, while a nervous one soon took it's place.

"She killed the werewolves," Fury said.

He nodded. "And if you don't mind, I need to decide whether or not I'm going after her to, so if you would please leave us in peac-"

"Why?" Fury asked, clasping his hands behind his back like he often did. "Why exactly do you want to find her?"

The man narrowed his eyes at Fury. But he admitted why. "She will lose herself again if I don't."

"Lose herself?" Fury cocked an eyebrow. "What the hell does that mean?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"You know who I am, right?" Fury asked, and the man nodded. "Then you know that if SHIELD wants to find someone, it's either because they should be recruited or because they should be dead. And we aren't planning on killing a creature like her any time soon."

"Not that you ever could," the man smirked a little, the hostility seeming to fade away.

"Touche. Now, how is she going to 'lose herself'?"

The man sighed a little. "Well, it's... It's simple, but at the same time, complicated. For supernatural creatures, it's just the way it is, but for you, it will be difficult to understand."

"Try me."

The man moved further into the apartment, sitting down on the living room couch. Fury followed after him and sat in the chair across from him.

"Vampires are not like other creatures. They are not born that way, they are... Created. Made, sometimes against their will. Seline was one of those. She wasn't meant to be a vampire. Some vampires, they love killing. They don't mind the bloodshed because it is simply in their nature to enjoy it. But Seline hates it. The only reason that she ever does kill is if someone harms a person that she loves dearly, then she will annihilate anyone that gets in her way. But I know her, she feels guilty no matter who she kills."

"You're afraid that she'll start to become depressed?"

"Not exactly. You see, Vampires have these... Intense emotions. Everything that we feel, it is so much worse for her. The greatest amount of emotional pain you have ever felt, Mr. Fury, she has felt it ten fold. Most of them can handle it, and Seline, being the age that she is, is fairly good at it too. However, everyone has their weak spot, and people that Seline cares about are her weakness. Because of this, she kills anyone who threatens them. But she is not made for killing, she is not made for death. So vampires have the ability to become numb. Think of it as a way of... Turning everything off. With vampires, if you can't handle the emotions, your mind has a switch that automatically makes you numb. They stop feeling anything. All of the pain and suffering goes away. She loses the one thing that makes her like us. She loses her humanity."

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