XXI - Repaired

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March 30th, 2016

I hate updating from my phone and this is really unedited because I wrote it all on my phone okay deal with it


Chapter Twenty-One

Weeks went by as if they were mere seconds.

Seline's temptation was fading. She could be near Loki for long amounts of time without wanting to feed on him, which made her feel a little more comfortable with his presence.

Loki had decided to stay. He didn't seem to have a clear reason, but he did, and since he was a Prince, no one dared question his decisions. However, Loki had trust issues even more extreme than Seline's. He found it difficult to trust the hunters, especially some of the men. But as the weeks went by, he seemed to open up a little more.

This was especially clear on a night when the hunters were all together at the same time, which was an unusual occasion, but a welcome one.

They had a large feast, and drank the night away with wine and ale. They told some scary stories, them some good ones, and even a few sad ones. They simply enjoyed each other's company, and it wasn't long before Seline noticed that Loki was missing.

She stood up from the log she had been sitting on, walking over to his tent. She stood outside it, seeing that he had a lantern lit.

"Your highness," she said. "May I come in?"

She heard a bit of rustling in the tent before he said 'yes' to her.

She pulled the flap to the side and went in, letting it fall back to its original place behind her.

He had a rather large tent, one that was made of waterproof material like all of the others. It was large enough to have a mattress and a small desk in it, along with room for the few pieces of clothing he had brought with him. He was laying on the mattress with his feet crossed and his left hand behind his head, while his other hand held a book up so he could read it with the light of the lantern.

She came in to stand by the mattress, looking down at him. "Why must you stay in here, night after night? Why not join us?" she asked.

He sighed softly and put shut the book, setting it on his nightstand before sitting up. "I am an outsider here, Seline. I might as well leave tomorrow."

"No, don't," she said, a little too quickly for her own liking.

There it was, the impulsiveness that she hated with a passion. He raised a brow at her, and she continued, attempting at covering up her disdain for the possibility of him leaving.

"They do like you, my lord. They do want to trust you, but... But you first must trust them," she said, and the way that she looked at him was enough to convince him.

He sighed again, then nodded. "Alright, fine."

She smiled. A genuine smile, something that was almost rare in those past few months. But now, it was almost a normal thing.

They both walked out of the tent, Loki behind Seline. The other hunters all looked to him with soft smiles on their faces. Surprisingly, none of them held contempt towards him.

Loki sat beside Seline, but they stayed at opposite ends of a large log.

Loki loosened up as time went on, and everyone continued to tell their stories as they drank the night away. One hunter that Seline felt a particular dislike for, decided to yell across the campground.

"Hey, Loki!" he shouted, his words slurring. "I bet it sucked being Thor's brother, huh?!"

Loki's eyebrow rose. "And what do you mean by that?"

"He has always been the preferred brother, hasn't he?" the man laughed, until his friend rolled his eyes and dragged him off to his tent.

"Don't listen to him," Seline said. "He is an imbecile, and he's drunk. He didn't know what he was sayi-"

"No, no, I..." Loki sat up a little straighter, and everyone around the fire stopped their conversations and looked to him.

"You don't have to say anything," Seline said, leaning forwards to whisper to him.

The corners of his lips turned up into a small and saddened smile. "It was you yourself that said I need to trust them before they trust me," he said. "That includes opening up to them."

She nodded slowly, leaning back to her original position and watching him closely while he spoke.

"Being Thor Odinson's brother was... A lonely existence, yes. I always knew that he would be King, but Odin could have easily let the throne fall to me. I would never be King, though, but none of you know the exact reason why. I was a frost giant, and Odin had never told me so. I may be the God of Mischief and Lies, but I do have morals," he said, swallowing. He thought they would never believe him. "My actions, those which you all know of, were wrong. I know that now. All I can do now is hope for forgiveness from my people."

He looked down at his hands, and so did Seline. She watched as the colour of his fingertips began to shift to a darker shade, then to blue. Runes appeared on his uncovered forearms, and she followed the trail of blue as it went up to his face. It covered his cheek, then his forehead, then went to the other side of his face. He looked down at the fire, not meeting the eyes of anyone around it while the same patterns began to form all over his skin. Seline almost felt as if she was in a trance while she saw his eyes shift form their signature vibrant green to a colour that was as red as hers.

He looked at himself in the mirror and he saw a demon. He was the same as her. They both knew that they were the monstrosities of their worlds, they didn't fit in and didn't like their lives. And yet they were some of the strongest creatures in existence. They were cursed. They both believed they were damaged beyond repair.

But was there even the slightest possibility that they were wrong?

"I've seen worse," Seline said, breaking through the silence as if her voice were a knife slicing through air.

Everyone turned to look at her, no longer seeming to notice Loki's other appearance.

"As have I," one of the other female catchers agreed from the other side of the fire.

"Aye," another man said, nodding and taking a drink.

"And I," yet another person said.

Everyone soon agreed, and Loki's skin faded back to normal.

"Everyone has secrets," Seline told him. "Everyone has demons. But they make us who we are, your highness," she smiled softly. "Don't forget that."

The corners of Loki's lips slowly curled up into a smile. Then he looked back to everyone around the fire. "That is enough of this 'your highness' and 'my lord'. Please... Call me Loki."

They both smiled at each other.

Maybe they really could be repaired.

The Blood Of A God || Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now