VII - Blame

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February 15th, 2015

Updating from my phone while watching Lucifer 'cause I'm cool like that. :P

This is unedited and written on my phone, so sorry for the typos.


Chapter Seven

Seline and Loki had gone back to bed once they realized the storm had passed. By that time, it was already dawn. So they ended up sleeping through the day and neither of them woke up until late in the afternoon.

She waited until dinnertime, then went and got his food for him. She read a few chapters from one of the many books that they had picked up the night before and brought back to their rooms. Then, she took his dishes back to the kitchen after he told her he would be leaving to meet with Thor while she was gone.

When she got to the kitchen, the sight that greeted her was enough to make her drop the tray and cause the dishes to all fall off of it, but surprisingly none of them broke. That was a good thing, considering the state that her two friends were in at that moment.

"Who did this?" She hissed, making them both look at her. It was as if they hadn't even heard the tray.

Newt looked like he had nearly been beaten to death. He was sitting on the counter, hunched over with his hands clutching at the edge of the marble while Ace attempted at cleaning a wound on his cheek. He had a black and swollen eye and a cut that looked to be from a ring on his left cheek, which was continuing to bleed even as Ace wiped at it and tried to get out what appeared to be dirt. One of Newt's arms went over and clutched at his own abdomen. After listening to his breathing for a moment, Seline realized that it was because he had three cracked ribs on his left side.

Ace wasn't nearly as bad. He had a scratch over his right eyebrow and a split lip along with a bloody nose. Seline saw that he also had badly bruised knuckles, and knew it was likely because Ace had tried to defend his brother from whoever attacked him.

She went over to the pitcher that was behind them, making sure her back was turned to them so that they didn't see what she did. She poured two glasses of water, then bit into her wrist and let herself bleed into thethe cups. If they drank the mixture, they would heal completely within a few hours instead of a few weeks.

She handed them both the glasses. "Drink," she said, and they both seemed reluctant due to the odd color of the water, but did so anyway. "Now, I'll ask again. Who did this?"

Ace swallowed, glancing at his brother warily before looking back at her. "Valneer."

Seline's hands curled into fists, and she spun on her heel and stalked out of the room. They both yelled for her not to do anything stupid. Needless to say, she didn't listen.

She had already beaten Valneer. But that was far too gentle a punishment.

This time, she would end his life.

The more that she thought of Valneer and imagined him attacking her two friends, boys that were both about half his size, the more the anger that was inside of her was only intensified. It was like all other emotions she had. Being a vampire basically put everything on over drive. She had been able to control it, but once in awhile, she let that control go completely.

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