Rejected At First Sight

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"So what if I trap you in my closet and only let you go when they agree to not move?" My best friend, Kristin, asks while rubbing her chin like she has a beard. The blonde-haired, blue-eyed beauty sat on my bed, looking up at the ceiling, naming off random ideas to keep me in San Diego.

"You already had that idea yesterday. And the day before, and the day before that," I look up thoughtfully at the ceiling stroking my imaginary beard, "and the day before that." I grin at Kristin who scowls back at me. I return her scowl with one of my own. "Now quit sitting around and doing nothing and help me pack the rest of my clothes."

She flips her mid-back length hair over her shoulder and looks toward the mighty heap of clothes that are piled on the floor right in front of the closet. "Only if I can help you throw away some of that crap you call clothing."

"It's not crap, it's just used." I respond defensively. I worked hard for my clothing. Going to work at the Starbucks that was only a few miles away from my house had its benefits such as being able to walk to and from, and getting a bunch of coffee. However, one of its benefits was not its pay. Working six days a week from when school got out at 2:30 until I had to get home and do that days homework at seven. I was lucky to even have these clothes.

"Please Evie, this stuff is so used my dog wouldn't want to use it to wipe its butt." Kristin said holding one of my favorite shirts, a blue Doctor Who shirt. She flung it behind her only for it to hit the wall and land of the bed.

"Hey," I jump up from my position on the floor in between the pile of clothes and my empty suitcase, "I happen to love that shirt thank you very much. And I wouldn't even let your dog go near this shirt let alone let him wipe his butt with it." I snatch the shirt from my bed and throw it into my opened suitcase.

"Whatever." Kristin rolls her eyes at my unhealthy love with the shirt. She stands up from her position on my bed and plops herself down next to my mountain of clothes. Her hands dive into my pile and start flinging items of clothing into my suitcase.

"Alright, keep doing what you're doing, just make sure everything fits in the suitcase. I'm going to go grab all my bathroom stuff." I say, heading out of my room to the bathroom that's across the hall. I look into the mirror and sigh. I look too pale, and too skinny. My dark green eyes are tired and lack their usual shine. I sigh again and grab my brush from its place on the counter next to the sink. Running my fingers through my deep brown hair before my brush goes through, I try to style it like Kristin's hair. It never works, and I wish, yet again, that I had Kristin's hair. Apart from one thing that I love about my hair. I move my head back and forth making the light shine different parts of my hair. All of a sudden, the red in my hair makes an appearance and turn my hair from its boring brown color, to an exotic, deep red color.

"What's taking so long?" Kristin shouts from across the hall, irritation clear in her voice. I grin to the mirror, an idea coming to my head. I silently turn around, take a couple of tip-toed steps out into the hall. I take aim, and throw my brush straight at Kristin's head.

"Ouch! What the hell was that for?" She turns to look at me from her position in my room, rubbing the spot the brush hit her. I smile my pearly whites at her and in return get eye daggers. I hold up my hands so that they create a heart with her in the middle. Kristin's gaze softens and she smiles her pearly whites back at me, holding up her hand with her middle finger pointed straight at me.

"Love you darlin'." I say sweetly, still holding up my hand heart.

Kristin puts down her finger, "Love you too. Which is why I think kidnapping you and hiding you in my closet is a great idea. I mean, you love San Diego and I love you so it works out nicely for everyone."

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