My Thanks...Among Other Things

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And we've finally reached the end. I can't tell you how amazed I am that we've reached the end. Amazed and humbled by all the love I've received from you, the readers. So I would first like to say:

Thank you.

Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. I never once believed I would even come near this many readers, this many votes and comments, and all I can say is thank you. Thank you for giving me pushes when I needed them, inspiration when I didn't know where to go. Thank you for making me laugh and cry and gasp and get irritated and think about things in different ways. Thank you for your amazing support when I needed it, and even when I didn't. Thank you for being there. But above all, thank you for reading.

As a high schooler, I'm being expected to know what I want to do when I go to college and for my life. And truthfully, I don't know. I honestly have no idea. But, now I know that writing is in my future and more than that, I want it to be in future.

If you are curious about me, or want to get a glimpse of what goes on in my head, check out the interview I gave EXTREMEmusiclover. It's in her book 365 Interviews. You'll find mine under the name Kat_ inda_Hat, as that was my name before I changed it. Check it out, you might also find some of your favorite authors giving glimpses into their own minds.

This isn't the end for Ashton and Evie. Yes, there will be a sequel. It's called Mated At First Sight. Instead of writing as it comes to my head, I'm going to take time and plan it out a bit and write most of it before I publish. That being said, I don't know when it will be coming out. However I can give you a sneak peak:

"Ashton?" My whisper seemed to travel all the way to them because Ashton and Josh both turn to look my way. I hear him shout my name and a couple seconds later I'm being pulled into a chest.

"Evie." Ashton says almost breathlessly, as if he's in shock from seeing me.

"Let go of me." I spit out, trying to keep the anger in front of the hurt.

"I can't." He whispers.

"Well you need to. I thought I made it clear last time, we are done." I say heatedly, anger and hurt crashing through me.
Ashton closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, "I'm sorry," he whispers, "but I have to."

Panic flirts through me, "Have to what?"

Ashton leans down and puts his lips against my neck and starts kissing softly. Heat floods through me and chases away any panic, anger or hurt. I feel my body lean into his embrace and can't help but feel like I should never move from his arms.

"I'm sorry." Ashton whispers against my neck. Before I can say anything, I feel his teeth against my neck.

Make of that what you will. I'm super excited to write it! Keep an eye out.

Message me, if you have any questions, or if you just want to talk. I love meeting new people. Once again, thank you. Thank you so much. Please remember to keep reading, keep being curious, and keep inspiring.


Rejected At First SightDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora