Chapter Seven

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I watched her as she left science class. My anger was boiling over and I knew I was close to shifting. Again. I knew what those bruises meant.

I knew something was up between Evie and Ashton. The confrontation in the hallway was all the proof I needed. However, I had no idea that he rejected her! Outright rejected her as his mate. That was unheard of!

That bastard. I knew Ashton was a dick and liked to sleep around. I never knew he could be a downright piece of shit.

I clenched my hands as my anger came back full force. For the second time today, I ran out of the school and into the woods right behind the school. No one stopped me.

I felt my bones break as I released my inner beast. My clothes shredded as my skin was replaced by chocolate brown fur, the same color as my hair. My hands and feet turned into paws and my mouth turned into a muzzle as I fell forward. You would miss it if you blinked. In my place stood an abnormally large, brown furred wolf. My wolf.

I took off running, putting all of my anger into my stride. I let my wolf take over in our running, not wanting to think about human drama while I run. The only thing I let myself think about, was red-hot anger. And those bruises.

It fueled me as I ran. I ran and ran and ran. Never stopping for a break.

I ran until it was dusk. Once night started to fall, I turned around and started towards the pack house. Once I was at the line of trees that circled the pack house I shifted back. My bones cracked as my human form once again replaced my wolf form.

I walked to the back deck and found the pile of clean clothes we keep in a laundry basket. I pulled out a pair of basketball shorts and headed into the house while I pulled them on.

Adrenaline and anger were still pumping through my system, making one hell of a mixture. I walked in and asked the nearest pack member if they knew where Ashton was. They responded that he was upstairs in his room. I said thanks and took off towards the stairs.

I ran up the stairs, taking two at a time. I slowed down as I reached the top of the stairs. I walked with a purpose to Ashton's room.

I reached his door, took the doorknob, and walked right in. Ashton was laying on his bed, watching tv.

"What the hell-"

"How dare you Ashton! How dare you just reject her like a piece of shit! The only pice of shit here is you!" I shouted at him, not caring who heard.

I had Ashton's full attention. His eyes turned black and with inhuman speed, he grabbed my throat and shoved me against the wall.

"How dare you, Josh, disrespect me. I am your Alpha." Ashton growled. He was eerily calm, however, I could feel the anger rolling off of him in waves. All of it was directed at me. His hand squeezed my throat, so much so that it was getting hard to breathe.

Despite my situation, I stared directly into Ashton's eyes, knowing he wouldn't like it. "I wonder what your parents would say when they find out you rejected your mate."

"They won't find out, Josh." Ashton's deep voice told me he was letting his wolf come out.

"You don't know what you're doing to her, Ashton. She's hurting. She's in pain, because of you and your dumb ass decisions. And what makes it worse, she doesn't even now why she's hurting!"

Submit. The thought echoed in my mind. I knew it wasn't my thought. Ashton pushed the command into my mind. I held his stare for as long as I could.

Submit. It echoed louder and more demanding. I couldn't not listen. I bowed my head and held out my neck to show my submission.

Ashton dropped me onto the floor. "You won't disrespect me again, Josh." He said, the command loud in his voice.

"You won't tell anyone of my mate. Or the rejection." Ashton spit out.

"I don't want to hear about her again. I don't care if she's hurting. She'll get over it." He continued.

My eyes hardened and I clenched my hands. I couldn't believe what was coming out of his mouth. "How could you not care about your soulmate?" I whispered out.

"You don't understand. Now, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Alpha." I said through clenched teeth.

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