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"It was so awesome for your parents to let you move back here for the end of high school. It's so much easier now that we're going to college." Kristin says as she unpacks her boxes for our apartment.

"I think you've said that before." I trail off knowing she's said that before.

She smiles, "I know."

I return her smile and turn back to my boxes. Opening the next one, I pause and look at the pictures that were some of the last things I packed to move away from Kristin so long ago. My eyes fill with tears as I look at our younger selves in the picture on top. We're both laughing because Kristin had just sprayed whip cream all over me. I of course retaliated and my parents had found us with whip cream all over our kitchen.

"What did you find," Kristin comes up behind me and laughs once she see the picture, "oh my God I remember that." She takes out another picture of us, but this time we're singing karaoke.

I laugh, "Remember this? My parents thought someone's cat was dying."

Kristin joins my laughter, "We weren't serious. I can sing much better than that."

"Sure you can." I scoff. We both put down the pictures and pull out a few more. I grab a handful of some that aren't in frames yet. I start to flip through them and find that these were the once from right before I left. Near the end of the pack, I'm surprised to see just a few pictures of the people I met in Lupus Harbor.

"Who's that?" Kristin asks as she looks over my shoulder.

"That's Katherine. She's a lot like you, you would've liked her." I say as I look at the picture of us at school. I'm surprised that someone got a picture of us, but remember that Katherine was in a photography class during my time there.

I flip to the next picture and freeze. Josh's green eyes stare back at me.

"And who's that?" Kristin asks quietly, probably noticing my uncomfortableness.

"Josh." I respond. This must be another one of Katherine's pictures. I don't know how they got in here but my best guess would be my parents.

Cautiously, I flip to the last picture I'm holding. I already know who it must be of, but I go to it anyway. Blue eyes, dark, brown hair, sexy smile. Traitor, liar.

"If I had a guess, Ashton." Kristin says softly, knowing my feelings toward this particular person. I had spent about a month once I retuned in a depressed state. Not crying, not talking and really not feeling. The first month was hard being away from him. Though now that I know what the bond is, I understood why. I just hoped this time it would actually stop working. Maybe then I could get a full night's sleep.

"Yeah." I whisper.

"Douche. How dare he cheat on you. That no good dirty asshole," Kristin mutters some other obscenities, "he didn't deserve you."

I laugh as a couple tears fall from my eyes, "Tell me about it."

"Sweetie," Kristin's voice turns soft as she hugs me, "it's okay to be upset over this. I haven't seen you cry over this, not that you should because he doesn't deserve your tears, but it would help you get that emotion out in a healthy way." I didn't bother telling her that I had already cried enough, and that that crying was what convinced my parents to let me move back to California about a week after that day. Only anger remained, and betrayal.

"I only feel regret for falling for everything he said." I keep my voice hard but my heart clenches at any thought of him. Somewhere deep inside I know I still yearn for him. I just have to learn to ignore that and move on.

"He's in the past sweetie. You will move on and find someone worth your time and heart." Kristin comforts me in a soft, reassuring voice.

"Thanks Kristin." I whisper and quickly wipe my eyes before she sees that more tears had formed. I know that there won't ever be someone else who will get my heart.

"Alright, enough crying," Kristin's voice turns cheerful, "I think we deserve a break. We should go out and see the town, this is college after all."

I smile at her, always the optimist, "Alright, I'm up for that."

"Good because I wasn't taking no for an answer." Kristin says as she hooks her arm into mine and starts heading towards the door.

We head out of our apartment and start walking down the street towards where the center of town is. A family owned coffee shop appears on our left and we decide to see if it's any good. Walking in, Kristin immediately starts gushing.

"Look at the super hot cashier." She hits my arm a couple times before I can move it away.

"Ow Kristin. You know it kind of hurts a bit when you slap me, even if it just on the arm." I complain.

"Stop complaining and look at him," Kristin continues to gush but suddenly gasps, "I have an idea."

"Uh oh." Before I can stop her, Kristin is already up at the counter talking to the cashier. I rush up there before my friend can make a fool of herself or me.

"-and here's my number." Kristin's smile is huge as she blocks me from watching her write down the number. The cashier looks pleased as he watches Kristin write down the number before glancing at me.

"Hey," he holds out his hand, "I'm Alex."

I accept his handshake, "Evie."

"Nice to meet you Evie," Alex says as we shake hands, "hope to see you around."

The handshake ends and Kristin loops her arm in mine, "Yeah." Kristin turns us around and we start heading out of the coffee shop.

"Wait, we didn't even get any coffee." I protest.

Kristin smiles, "That's okay, I didn't really want any."

"What if I did?" I complain, but I didn't really want any either. Kristin just looks at me with a smile as we walk through the door and back onto the streets. My phone buzzes and I look down to read the text. My mouth pops open and I stop walking, pulling Kristin to the side.

"Kristin!" I yell at her, causing a couple people to glance at us. I hold my phone in her face so she can see the 'Hey it's Alex' text message I just got.

She laughs, "Well I didn't give him my phone number."

"I can't believe you." I stick out my tongue at her.

She sighs and becomes serious, "I want you to get over him, what better way than this?"

"Kristin," I say softly, "I don't need anyone right now. Maybe some other time." I trail off.

Kristin narrows her eyes in suspicion before her shoulders droop a bit, "Alright, Evie. But I'll hold you up to that."

I give her a small smile and we continue on our way.

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