Chapter Twenty One

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As Grant and I enter the lunchroom, I can't stop thinking about what just conspired. Why were Josh and Ashton even talking to each other, when I know for sure that they can't stand each other? More importantly, where the hell did they go?

"Evie, hurry up." My thoughts are cut short as I hear Taylor call to me.

"Hey." I respond to Taylor as I sit down.

"Where's Katherine? Doesn't she usually walk to lunch with you?" Taylor asks me as she takes a bite of her sandwich.

"She's not here today." Grant answers. It's good she wasn't, I don't know what she would have made from the confrontation in the hallway. It probably would have gone way different because Katherine would have said something to the two boys. I laugh quietly to myself as I picture Katherine telling them to 'shut the hell up and get out of the way of her food.'

"Did anyone think of texting her?" Taylor's question pops up. Of course, how stupid can I be? I quickly whip out my phone and send a quick 'are you okay' text to Katherine.

"That's why I'm the smart one." Taylor says smugly. I roll my eyes at her and she responds by sticking out her tongue.

"So you guys will never guess what Evie and I walked into." Grant's excited voice cuts through the murmurs of the cafeteria. My eyes immediately cut to him.

"What?" Taylor asks in a bored tone. I try to catch Grant's eyes before he starts talking about what we walked into. I know it had nothing to do with us, so it shouldn't be our job to spread rumors about it.

"Josh and Ashton were in a heated argument right in front of the cafeteria doors. Evie and I were walking around the corner, we probably interrupted their argument-"

I interrupted him, "Grant, we don't know what was going on. Stop talking about it."

Grant scoffs at me, "Calm down Evie. I'm not spreading anything about it. It was just weird," Grant turns back to Taylor, who still looks bored but seems to have a little interest, "Ashton growled at me."

Taylor, who had just taken a sip from her water bottle, starts to choke on her water as she presumably tries to control her laughter. I pat her back until she stops coughing. Laughter immediately bubbles out of her mouth.

"He growled at you?" Taylor laughs out the question. Her laughs are contagious and I find myself starting to chuckle.

"Don't laugh," Grant exclaims with a light link blush coming to his cheeks, "it's true. He growled at me. Tell her Evie, I know you heard it too."

My chuckle stops immediately. Grant is looking straight at me and I can see his pleading in his eyes. He wants me to confirm what I already know. Ashton did growl at him. I glance at Taylor, who is still mildly laughing, as she looks at me with a disbelieving look.

"He's not an animal, Grant."

Grant looks down and grumbles under his breath. He knows I'm right, but probably doesn't want to admit it. What he did say was true, to a point, but I know I'm right. Ashton's not an animal and it probably wasn't a growl. People can't growl anyway.

"Time to move on from this strange conversation." Taylor starts a new conversation by telling us about a substitute that was in her earlier class.

All too soon, the lunch bell rings and we have to go back to classes. I walk to French class quickly. I've decided I want this day to end, and I want it to end quickly. I reach French and immediately go to my desk. I sit down and get out my French stuff. As I lift my head to look towards the front, I see Delilah come in. She also looks to be in a rush.

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