Chapter Twenty Four

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Class ended and I still didn't give Ashton an answer. Before I had left, he told me to talk to him in gym. Entering math, Ashton and I's conversation runs through my mind over and over again. Josh smiles at me as I walk over to my desk.

"You look extremely distracted, what's up?" Josh asks as I sit down.

I pause, unsure if I should tell Josh or not, "I just had to sit through a lecture. It was terrible."

"I heard." Josh chuckled, but then stopped, like he said something he shouldn't of.

Once again, I caught on, "How could you hear about it? You're not in my class." I look at Josh suspiciously. This isn't the first time he's said or done something then caught himself.

"I heard someone else complaining about it in the hall. Why are you so suspicious?" Josh asks, changing the subject. I notice this change but ignore it. Of course someone was complaining about it in the hall.

"Of course. Sorry Josh. It seems like I've been suspicious of everything lately." The blue car comes to mind and I realize why I've been so suspicious of everything. A headache suddenly come on and I put my head in my hands, suddenly feeling exhausted.

"Are you okay?" Josh asks softly, leaning towards me.

"I don't know Josh." I sigh out, closing my eyes.

The exhausted feeling stayed with me throughout the rest of class. Josh had dropped the subject, but I know it was only for my benefit. He kept giving me worried glances and, more than once, had tried to say something, only to again cut himself off.

I could hardly pay attention in class, I guess it was just one of those days. Instead of listening to the new math material, I stared at the clock, hoping for it to move faster. It didn't, and I continued to stare at it. Less than a minute before class was to end, I start packing up and quickly head to the door. The bell rang and I left.

I walk quickly to communications, knowing that we would only be working on our Romeo and Juliet scenes. I would have to memorize our scene pretty quickly, we would probably have to perform later this week. I walk into class and immediately spot Katherine at her desk, writing madly on a piece of paper. Going over to my seat, her head pops up and she sees me.

"Hey Evie." She says quickly as she looks back down at whatever she was writing.

"Hi." I respond as I sit down.

"I'm writing in blocking for our scene." Katherine says, unknowingly answering my unasked question.

"Okay." I respond.

Class starts a few minutes later and Katherine continues to write in blocking even while Mr. Johnston is talking. He dismisses us to work, mentioning that we have to perform on Thursday or Friday of this week. Immediately after we're dismissed, Katherine descends on us in a frenzy 'things we need to do'. We need to get costumes and props. We need to learn our parts and learn blocking for our scene.

"Katherine, this is just a class scene. We aren't on broadway." I tell her, fighting a smile.

She turns to me with a smile, "Evie, I thought you knew me better. I never go only half way." Katherine resumes listing off things we need to do. My homework, told to me by Katherine, is to memorize my script as soon as possible.

Communications ends quicker than math did and soon enough, Katherine, Grant and I are walking to lunch. Briefly, I'm reminded of the last time I walked with Grant to lunch and what we walked into. My train of thought follows and I'm soon remembering this morning.

We enter the lunch room and I try to get rid of the thoughts that are running through my mind. I walk over with Katherine and Grant to our table. Suddenly, I feel eyes on the back of my head. Trying to be inconspicuous, I start glancing around the cafeteria.

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