Chapter Thirty One

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His words echo in my mind for the rest of the night. Part of me is ecstatic that he would say something like that, and wants to believe him wholeheartedly. But the more logical part of my brain reminds me that that doesn't happen. People don't just say things like that, at least without a ulterior motive. What motive could Ashton have?

The weekend passes with my mind in a whirl. It seems as if it's harder for me to be without Ashton. Usually that results in a long phone call where talk about random things and occasionally get into arguments about movies. I can't help but feel that I need to be around him all the time, or at least most of the time.

Waking up on Monday morning and my head is still full of questions. Ashton's words continue to circle around in my brain causing havoc and confusions and want. I want them to be true. I want to be his only one.

A different car pulls up to the end of my driveway. I look at it curiously, maybe Ashton has two different cars. Instead, a familiar brown head pops out of the sun roof.

"Well, are you just going to stand there?" Josh asks mockingly with his signature smile.

"Josh, what are you doing here?" I ask him as I walk towards his car.

"Ashton isn't going to be able to make it to school today." He responds as I open the door. Josh pulls his head back into the car.

"Why isn't he going to school?" I ask. Josh starts the car and starts driving before my seatbelt is on.

Josh pauses for a second, "He has some decisions that have to be made and thought it would be easier to be made at home."

"Oh, alright I guess." I say, not really knowing what else to say.

Josh spends the rest of the car ride asking me about the 'meet-the-parents'. I tell him everything he wants to know and am rewarded with laughter after every answer. For some reason, Josh finds the entire thing hysterical.

We pull up to the school with Josh still laughing at the fact that my dad almost kicked Ashton out. I roll my eyes at him and get out of the car.

"Evie wait up." I hear Josh gasp between laughs. Probably making the wrong decision, I pause and wait a couple of seconds for Josh to fall into step with me.

"Stop laughing. It wasn't even that funny." I reprimand him.

Josh laughs again, "Trust me, it isn't often Ashton gets bested. It's worth it when he does. Did you videotape it?" I scoff at Josh's blatant enthusiasm.

"No I didn't videotape it."

"Too bad." Josh says as his laughter finally dies down. We walk into the school and start heading towards my first class. I notice how many students seem to watch Josh and I through the corner of their eyes. They seem curious and I try to ignore their looks. Josh, however, also notices them and glares back at them. Usually they stop looking at us, at least until we pass.

We reach my classroom and I quickly look to my table expecting to see Ashton already there waiting for me like he's been doing for the past couple weeks. A frown slips on my face as I remember that he's not going to be here today.

Josh seems to sense my frown and gives me a side hug, "It'll be fine. You got me remember." I pretend to not hear the sympathy in his voice.

I give him a half smile, "Thanks. But I'm fine, promise." By the look Josh gives me I know he doesn't believe me, but he waves good bye anyway. I take my seat and wait for class to start, hoping this day will go by fast.

Every class seemed to drag by, especially the two that Ashton was supposed to be in. Josh helped out during my classes with him by trying to distract me in any way possible. He got sent to the office during science, which was the highlight of my day. However distracting Josh was throughout the day, I was extremely happy to finally go home.

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