Chapter Nine

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I groggily opened my eyes. The wall was facing me so I turned around and looked at my alarm clock. It read 11:26. I slept for almost twelve hours. I yawned and started to stretch. When I found I couldn't do a total cat stretch, I remembered that I was still in my school outfit. I sighed and sat up.

I felt dirty and had this need to take a shower. So I stood up, grabbed my pajamas and headed to the bathroom. I quietly tiptoed to the bathroom, shut the door, then turned on the light. It blinded me for a moment until my eyes adjusted. I undressed quickly and hopped in the shower. I turned the knob to the hottest it could go.

The shower first spitted cold water which made me jump. A few seconds later a stream of nice, hot water cascaded on me. I sighed out in content as the hot water instantly soothed me.

I grabbed my fruity shampoo and lathered it into my scalp. A minute later, I let the hot water wash the suds away. I grabbed my matching fruity conditioner and combed it through my hair.

As I was combing the conditioner through my hair, the temperature of the water seemed to increase substantially. It started to burn my skin so I turned the knob down closer to cold.

The knob seemed to be broken. It is closer to cold, but the water is hotter than it was before I turned down the knob. Then the fire erupted in my stomach once again.

"Ahh!" I cried out in pain as I fell on my knees. My arm cuddled my stomach as my other hand tried to stop the water that was now striking me as I laid on the floor of the bathtub. My attempts were futile as my hand slipped off the knob.

The fire took over my mind and body. Both my arms were now cradling my stomach. My body only registered the burning pain that came from my stomach and I no longer noticed the water that was hitting me. I fell to my side still clutching my stomach.

The pain was roaring at new heights. This was beyond worse than anything before. I curled up into a ball on the bathtub floor. My tears were mixing with the water that was hitting my face. I didn't even try to control the sobs that left my lips, I just hope my parents couldn't hear them.

It erupted into an intense inferno. I put a fist in my mouth to try and muffle the scream that came out of my mouth. It seemed to work as only a small, high pitched yelp came from my mouth, when I knew it was really a bloodcurdling scream that was begging to be released.

The fire continued to increase in temperature and intensity and I soon found myself on the brink of unconsciousness. As soon as I was sure that I was going to fall into the nice, dark abyss of unconsciousness, the fire decreased.

About five minutes later, the only proof that the pain had left was the now deep, dark bruises that again covered my stomach and thighs. I was shaking from the uncontrollable sobs that still fell from my mouth. I laid there on the floor for a few more minutes as my sobs subsided. Then I stood up and turned the knob so the water was off. I pulled the curtain to the side and was immediately hit with cold air. I shivered and quickly wrapped my towel around my body, being careful of the new bruises.

When I looked in the mirror, a whole new round of tears started. This morning when I had thought they were going away, the complete opposite happened. My stomach and thighs were again a dark purple and black. All evidence of healing had vanished, along with my hope that there was going to be no more pain.

I looked at my face in the mirror. My eyes were pink and puffy, and my lips were still trembling from the sobs. My entire face was flushed red due to the hot water that was hitting me while I was on the bathtub floor. I wiped the towel on my face to rid any droplets of water and tears. I decided to leave my wet hair dripping down my back and instead wrapped the towel around my body. Turning around, I exited the bathroom.

I quietly tiptoed across the hall to my room. Not wanting to put pajamas on, I instead put on a pair of boy shorts and a sports bra. I curled up into a ball on my bed. I didn't bother with the covers, knowing that I would wake up and kick them off when the burning feeling returned. I stared at the clock. Now it read 12:02.

I watched the clock as it turned from 12:02 to 1:47. My mind was blank, but I couldn't make it turn off. My eyelids were heavy, but I couldn't make them close. I didn't know what to do, so I just laid there waiting for sleep.

Eventually, my eyelids started to close. My brain turned off and I fell into a restless sleep.

My eyes shot open and a gasp left my mouth after the first beep of the alarm clock. I snapped my hand out and pushed the off button. With my eyes wide open, I slowly sat up clutching my stomach.

My head snapped to my door when it opened slowly. Dad's head popped in.

"Oh, sorry sweetie," my dad apologized, looking sheepish, "I meant to shut off your alarm before you woke up. I want you to stay home and rest today."

"Oh." I responded, rubbing my eyes with my palms.

"Sorry sweetie," he apologized again, "but your mom and I are leaving for work right now. I thought I could turn off your alarm right before we left."

I sighed, "It's okay dad. I guess I'll just go back to sleep again." I laid back down.

"Alright. Have a nice day." Dad said while he closed my bedroom door. I heard him walk down the stairs, then I faintly heard him talking to mom. Then I heard the garage door door open, then a minute later close.

I closed my eyes and again fell into a restless sleep.

My eyes lazily opened. I turned my head from side to side, and did my cat stretch. I sighed out in content as my body and muscles stretched out. I looked at my clock, the time read 11:02.

Smiling, I sat up and yawned. A day with no school, no teachers, and especially, no Ashton. I stand up and grab my pajamas and put them on before I go downstairs.

I walk downstairs into the kitchen to grab some breakfast. Searching through the pantry, I found my favorite cereal: Chocolate Lucky Charms. I opened up a cabinet and grabbed a bowl. Then I opened the silverware drawer and grabbed a spoon. I put the cereal, bowl, and spoon on the counter. I turned around and opened the fridge and grabbed the two-percent milk. Hitting the fridge door shut with my hip, I turned around and placed the milk on the counter. I poured the Lucky Charms into the bowl, then I opened the milk and poured it in until the cereal started rising from the amount of milk.

With my cereal in hand, I didn't bother putting away the box but instead just put away the milk. I walked out of the kitchen and to the living room. I plopped down onto the couch and grabbed the remote off the coffee table. I turned on the tv and immediately started searching through the channels.

A smile spread across my face when I found one of my favorite British shows was on: Doctor Who. I pressed the info button and was happy to see that it was one of my favorite episodes. The very first episode with Ms. Martha Jones.

I happily sit back and watch as Martha Jones first sees that she's on the moon. I laugh with a mouth full of cereal as David Tennant pops onscreen. I love David Tennant.

I finish my cereal as Martha and the Doctor are running away from the Judoon, or the rhinoceros people. I get up and go into the kitchen to put my bowl in the sink. As I'm walking back to the couch, the door bell rings.

"Who would be at the door?" I ask myself as I walk to the door. I unlock the lock, turn the knob, and open the door.

"Oh, hi Josh. Um, what the hell are you doing here?" I ask Josh. He looks almost out of breath. He opens his mouth to respond.

"And how the hell do you know where I live?"

"Let me catch a breath here Evie." Josh panted while he bended over with his hands on his knees. I waited for him to catch his breath and tell me what the hell he was doing here.

"Can I get a glass of water?" Josh finally asked, with his hands still on his knees.

"Sure. Come in." I responded turning around to the kitchen. I heard him walk in and shut the front door. Opening the cabinet door, I grabbed a glass and heard Josh plop down on the couch. I filled the glass almost to the brim with water from the fridge.

When I walked into the living room I saw that Josh had already found the remote and was searching through the channels. I gave him the glass of water and he chugged it down in around five seconds.

"Thanks Evie," he said while he wiped his mouth with his arm, "what are you watching?"

"Doctor Who obviously." I responded a little offended that he didn't know what it was.

"What's that?" Josh asked, still searching through the channels.

I snatched the remote out of his hand, preventing him from changing the channel. "Well, maybe if you watched it you would understand." Josh raised his hands in surrender.

"Okay fine. British guys in suits it is." Josh said sitting back into the couch once again.

I held up a finger, "Hot British guys in suits." I said putting emphasis on the word 'hot'.

Josh smirked, but before he could say something I interrupted him.

"Why are you here?"

Josh's face immediately turned serious. He opened his mouth to respond, but then closed it. He repeated that action a couple of times before finally taking a deep breath.

"Evie, are you hurt? In any way?" Josh asked looking extremely concerned. His green eyes bore into mine. I, however, didn't know how to respond to his questions.

This time it was my turn to open and close my mouth. I looked down to my hands that were fidgeting in my lap. Josh's hands moved and covered mine. I looked back up into his eyes.

"Please Evie. You can trust me." Josh said earnestly.

"I haven't even known you for a week." I responded. Josh sighed at my answer. He looked almost sad, desperate.

Josh closed his eyes and took a deep breath in through his nose and out through his mouth. He then looked me straight in my eye. "Evie, please. I need to know."

Silence fell into the room as both Josh and I waited for my response.

"Josh, I just don't know-"

"Then lets go out." Josh interrupted me. I stared at him.

"Like a date?" I asked astonished.

"No," Josh responded quickly, "not a date. Definitely not a date. More like a get to know you." Josh looked worried, like he said something he shouldn't of.

"So a get to know you date, that's not a date." I stated.

Josh hesitated, "Yes."

I thought about it for a few seconds. If I got to know him, could I really trust him enough to tell him what's been going on? Could I really trust Josh to be my friend? With that last thought in my head, I responded.


A/N: Hey guys. First things first, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! This book has become very popular and that's all because of you, so thank you. Second, does anyone know how to make covers, or does someone want to make a cover for me? Thank you!!!

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