Chapter Sixteen

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A day being in the hospital is a day too long. I was sick of only seeing white. I was sick of having this stupid IV in my hand. And most of all, I was sick of the annoying beeping noise that was my heart.

The doctor said that I couldn't leave until I told them what the bruises are, or the bruises disappear. I haven't said a word yet. I'm not planning to. I will wait it out until the bruises disappear. They'll have no claim over me then. And then I will be free.

"Well, free from the hospital." I mumbled to no one. My parents had promised to 'unleash the wrath' if I didn't tell them where the bruises from.

"Hey Evie." Josh said as he walked in. He had left right after his little 'better' promise. He left me sputtering for answers. But he didn't answer any of my half sputtered questions, he just left. At least he was smiling, like a fool.

"Hi Josh." I said, my voice clipped. I was still irritated that he just left.

He scratched his head, "Listen, about yesterday-"

"I don't want to hear your excuses. Just tell me the truth." I interrupted him. My voice was accusing, hopefully very accusing.

Josh took a deep breath and came to sit next to me. He ruffled his hair, and seemed to be at a lost. How ever lost he was, I will wait patently until he starts talking.

"I wasn't lying when I said it's going to be better. I'm not lying now when I say it's going to be so much better," Josh took a deep breath and turned to look me in the eye, "but I can't tell you. I'm not the one who should tell you. You need to be told by someone who's much more important to you."

I opened my mouth to protest that there's almost no one who's more important than him but he put his finger over my lips, silencing me. I sat back and let him continue.

"Evie, can you trust me? Please?" Josh looked so earnest as he asked me. He looked pleading, like the whole world depended on my trust in Josh.

I sighed, "Only for a little bit." Josh smiled, and in turn, I smiled back at him.

"So when are you getting out of here?" Josh asked suddenly.

"The doctor said that I couldn't leave until I told them where the bruises are coming from or the bruises disappear. So, I don't know." I responded.

Josh became tense suddenly. I guess the bruises were a sore subject for him. Though, why, I have no idea. It's not like the bruises are on him.

"So which are you going to do?" He asked, still tense.

"Well, the only one I can do. I'm just going to wait it out until they disappear. It's not like I know where they are coming from." I told him. Josh was still a tiny bit tense. He winced at my last sentence.

I sighed, knowing that he won't explain why he winces at the mention of my bruises.

"Oh, so bad news," Josh changed the subject, "Math and science test coming up." It saw as my turn to wince. I hate tests.

"Wait, not the worst part," he paused for dramatic effect and I groaned, "they're on the same day."

"Josh! I'm supposed to be relaxing! How am I supposed to relax when you keep ruining my day with news about tests?" I groaned again.

He started laughing at my expense. I retaliated by punching him in the arm, which only succeeded in making Josh laugh harder.

"You punch like a girl." He said through his laughs.

"I am a girl. What's your excuse?" I smirked. Josh's laugh died down and a competitive gleam appeared in his eyes.

"You don't want to play with the big bad wolf." He said through a mocking smile. Josh knew I would take the bait.

Rejected At First SightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora