Chapter Four

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A/N: Sorry for the longer than normal wait. I hope the length of this chapter makes up for the waiting period.

I slammed my hand down on my beeping alarm clock. Throwing my legs over my bed, I sat up and rubbed my eyes for a good five minutes before moving. What on earth made my parents think that starting school immediately was a good idea?

Standing up, I walked across the hall to the bathroom. I splashed water in my face to wake myself up. Looking in the mirror, my dripping face and hair reminded me of a drowned cat. I sighed and dried my face on the towel next to the sink.

I walked back into my room and walked toward my suitcase still filled with clothes. The weekend was too short. Zipping it open, I searched through it looking for something acceptable to wear on my first day. First impressions are the most important.

I spotted my elbow length deep purple shirt. Pulling it out, I looked for my black skinny jeans. With my outfit found, I happily skipped back over to my bathroom and readied my shower.

After I finished showering, I put my hair up in the towel and put on my purple undies and bra. I walked back into my room and stopped in front of the full length mirror. My green eyes popped out against my pale skin and purple undergarments.

Still in front of the mirror, I unwound the towel on my head. My brownish red hair tumbled down my shoulders. The wetness of my hair brought out the red in it.

I turned around and grabbed my jeans. I pulled and wriggled my way into them. With my jeans buttoned and zipped I walked back into the bathroom. I opened the cabinet under the sink and took out my hair dryer. I plugged it in and looked around for my brush.

"And it's in my room." I sighed and walked back into my room and to the dresser. My brush was sitting there, as if it was waiting for me. I picked it up and walked back to the bathroom again.

I turned on my blow dryer and started with my hair on the left side of my head. The hot air blew against my face and made my wet hair fly around. I took my brush and started with the ends. I slowly moved upward as my hair dried. Eventually, the whole left side was dry and brushed straight. I repeated the drying and brushing steps on the right side. Once I was done, my hair no longer looked like a tangled mess, and instead was nice, neat, and straight.

I walked back to my room and reached for my shirt. I put it on and walked back to the full length mirror. I ruffled my hair, to make it a little more messier. Next, I went to my suitcase and pulled out my bathroom bag. I opened the bag and pulled out my makeup and perfumes. I walked over to my dresser and placed the makeup and perfumes on it. Deciding today was going to be one of my rare makeup days, I opened my foundation. Looking into the half mirror on my dresser, I dotted on the foundation and rubbed it in. I took out eyeliner and laced it on. I unscrewed my mascara and swiped it on my upper and lower lash line.

Satisfied with my makeup, I popped open my vanilla and fruity perfume and did a spray of both. I found that each perfume smelled great, but together they smelled fantastic. I turned toward my full length mirror and smiled at my appearance.

I walked out of my room and bounded down the stairs to the kitchen. In it, my mom was making waffles in our waffle maker and my dad was frying bacon. I popped beside my dad and snatched a piece of bacon out of the pan and stuffed it into my mouth.

"Ow, ow, hot," I shouted, "hot! Hot! Hot!" I chewed quickly and swallowed the burning piece down my throat.

"Well what do you expect? Wait until it's out of the pan." My dad reprimanded me.

Minutes later, my mom had a plate of waffles and my dad had taken all the bacon out of the pan and dabbed a paper towel on it to get rid of some of the grease. I grabbed a plate, a waffle, and two pieces of bacon. I finished my breakfast in record time.

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