We can't be ..

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Niggas been tryna get to our trap house more than usual nowadays ever since we started making more connects  and getting money from 'Club Fusion' we need to find out what gang is trying us because we growing impatient and Dwayne ready to kill not only fro the money but before they find out about Kassie. After last night the girls went with Kassie back to the house and the gang had to go to the trap as we tried to figure out who been tracking us. Only the gang and a few other know about Kassie and Sariah that's why I'm thinking the person who took Sariah knows her and is after the gang. I'll deal with it late but now I just handled this drop off and was using a route know as the back roads so I could stay away from the police. I was going over to my mums house so I could drop off a few things I got for her and some money for her. I love my mum she's the motivation for keeping me hustling even though she was gold digger but learnt where that got her.

"Mum?" I called into the flat. I planned on buying myy mum a big house as soon as she starts accepting my money.

"Hey, darling how are you?" She said walking out of the kitchen and giving me a hug. I could tell she was getting better and living better because of the soft glow she now had unlike when we first got kicked out of my step-dad's.

"I'm good, I bought you these" I said handing her 2 shoe boxes that consisted of a pair of Jimmy Choo and Christian Loubitin heels and then I gave her a briefcase full of money. "Mum I want you to take this, don't even try return them or give me back my money."

"I'm so sorry for everything, if it wasn't for me you wouldn't have to be doing this." I saw tears forming in her eyes. "Just promise me you'll get a good education and become something in life"

"No, you did what you had to do to support us" I gave her a reassuring hug and put the bags down by the couch. "I promise"

[Next Morning]


I was in my room talking to Shan who stayed over last night and we were just laughing as usual she was being Shan

"She kept mugging when we was dancing, I was gonna rearrange her face" Shan said as we burst out laughing. "But when you and Jay was on the dance floor. Everyone stopped and watched. I was like woah!" Now she was stood up doing red nose and making facial expressions. 

"Omg! Shan!' I was cracking up with laughter. 

"Both of y'all like each other so much its unbelievable" Shan exaggerated. I got a text from Jay telling me to meet him by the lake behind the park just down the road. I smiled as I read the text.

"Aww your boo text you"

"Shut up" I said laughing as I walked into my closet and changed into my black leggings, my pink and blue tie-dye top and my pink and blue Jordan's. Shan was wearing her black crop top with cheetah print skinnies and her black Nike trainers. She drove me there since Kassie was over at Dwayne's.

"What's up?" I said as I stood in front of Jay. 

"We .. I can't .. " He wasn't even looking at me anymore. " I don't want to be with you, it was the heat of the moment, I was-" His voice was dull and cracking

"Not like the others? Wasn't that some bullshit!" I said getting in his face. This nigga almost had me. He played me .. He fucking played me.

"You don't even wanna be with me"

"Nahh, don't turn this on me. Unlike you when I told you something I meant it"

"I just wanted to tell you that I can't- don't want to be with you" He started to look away. I turned his face to mine and looked him in the eyes.

"I care too much for people and they throw it right back in my face, fuck you!" 

I was highly pissed and when I got in the car I slammed it and started cussing his worthless ass! Shan eventually put the pieces together and was just as pissed as me. We went to the skate park to just chill and hang out it was usually where everyone was at. We sat in the stands and talked watching everyone skate. One day I was gonna come here and skate.

"Excuse me?" A cute boy came over and started talking to Shan .

"Yeah" She replied

"I just wanted to come over and say hi since you just so damn beautiful" Although she smiled she knew what he was doing. We had been here for about an hour and now it was 3pm and I wanted to go. 

"See you back at the house" I whispered to Shan and started to walk to the sidewalk so I could walk home. I got my phone out and started to text Kassie, I needed some sister time.

"Riah?" I turned and saw someone I really didn't wanna see, not Jay but Christopher. My ex. 

"What?" I said coldy.

"I'm really sorry about us. I just want us to talk it out-"

"There's nothing to say. You played me and I'm done, bye" I started walking off. He grabbed my arm lightly.

"Please, can I at least drive you home. I'll do all the talking just please." He looked at me with his pleading eyes. Those damn eyes. 

"Ugh. Fine"

During the ride he just fed me some shit about being young and naive. Missing me. Missing us. Saying he left the game because he hated who it turned him into. I actually started to believe some of his shit. He took my number because apparently he wasn't done. I told him I'd talk to him some other time. I got out the car and walked in and started making something to eat when Kassie text me she was on her way.


A lil' earlier

I woke up and Dwayne had his muscular arms around me. I didn't want to move so I just stayed like that. 

"I know your awake" He whispered into my ears. Mhm. That voice.

"Well maybe if you didn't have your arms around me I could get up."

"Don't lie, you like this shit" He said gripping me tighter. That's when I realized we were naked. He used his hands to roam my body as he kissed and sucked on my neck. 

"Dwayne .." I accidentally let a moan slip from my mouth, that just makes him continue. He turned me to face him and I just blushed as he got erect. i just laughed.

"Don't be laughing for I put it down on you" he rolled me over so he was on top and kissed my neck down to my area. He was making me weak and he ain't done anything yet. My phone vibrated.

"Not today Dwayne" I said he layed beside me as I read the text from Sariah. "My sister needs me" I kissed his cheek and got up up realizing I was naked. My body was aching fro last night but I tried to hide it.

"Damn that ass." Dwayne laughed. "I know you aching, stop tryna hide it, I did put it down pretty good last night" This boy can make me blush over anything. I took a shower. Alone then got dressed in a vest top I'd left at Dwayne's and one of his sweats and socks. I was driving and the only shoes I had were my heels.

"Bye babe" I said kissing him.

"You just gonna leave a nigga in the morning like that" He said against my lips.

"Yup! but you can watch me walk away" I said swaying my hips and leaving to the house.

I love that boy.


*Christopher MM*



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