-Chapter Eighteen-

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"Der, I love you too." The two were already close to each other before they gently moved closer and their lips met. Of course the whole pack was watching there every move. They all cooed, bringing a rather large blush to Stiles' face.

"I knew it!" Lydia snickers, leading the whole pack downstairs again.

"You sleep, I'm sending everyone home in a minute, it's late." Derek says to Stiles. Yawning, Stiles nods.


Derek comes back up the stairs quite a bit later. The whole pack has gone and the Stiles' dad is now home.

Stiles' bedroom door opens, letting a small amount of light from the hallway pour in. Derek creeps in, leaving the door open behind him. Sheriff Stilinski is stood outside the door, watching as Derek makes his way to Stiles, who was asleep. Bending at the knees, Derek leaned in towards Stiles' face. He gently shook his arm.

"Stiles?" He quietly asked. "I have to go now..." Stiles, stirring, woke up and stared wide eyed at Derek. In his sleepy state, Stiles grabbed hold off Derek's shirt.

"No..." He began ruffling Derek's shirt in his fist. "No..." He repeated. "Stay." Derek pulled his shirt back down after Stiles ruffling it, and gently took Stiles' hand in his.

"I have to..." Derek whispers in reply. Stiles places a hand on the back of Derek's neck.

"I just want you to-" He yawns loudly. "Stay here and in the morning we'll fu-"

"Stiles. Your dad is outside." Derek shushes him, and carefully places a sweet kiss on Stiles lips. Feeling the Sheriff's eyes burn through the back of his head, Derek stands up once again. He straightens out his shirt and smiles at Stiles. Tightly, they squeezed each other's hands. Then Derek headed out.

"I can see how much you care about him." Sheriff states. Derek smiles a little, nodding in agreement.

"I'll...see you soon Mr Stilinski." Derek says, turning to leave. And he leaves, making his way down the stairs and out the door and back home.


The next day, Derek doesn't show up at Stiles' house. Stiles waited around for him, almost for 5 hours. It was 4:00pm. Stiles had a plan, so he set off, driving to Derek's house.

"Derek?" His voice echoed through the seemingly empty house. "Why are you ignoring me? Derek!" Stiles was getting frustrated that Derek wasn't here. But oh he was. That's when Stiles heard it. The soft muffled cries. "Derek?" Following the cries, Stiles makes his way up the stairs. The cries got louder as Stiles reached Derek's old room. "Der?"

He entered the room, giving him an odd sight. Derek in a ball on his bedroom floor, surrounded by shattered glass. His hands were cut.

"What happened?" Stiles asked softly.

"It's the anniversary of their death." Derek burst into tears. His eyes have huge red and puffy bags underneath them, casting dark shadows on his face. "I can't...I can't do it. I killed them, it was my fault!" He was enraged with himself. Stiles shuffles the broken glass out of his way and sits next to Derek.

"It wasn't your fault at all."

"Yes it was. I hurt everyone." His voice falters and he cries louder.

"Not me Derek." Stiles lifts Derek's chin up, forcing him to look at Stiles. "I love you."

"You shouldn't..." Derek frowns. "We should break up. I'm no good for you."

"What? No Derek. Your the only good that's ever come to me." Stiles leans closer, attempting to press a kiss to Derek's lips but Derek's turns away and rejects him. Stiles' eyes fill up. "I'm all yours..." He says quietly.

"No, not anymore." Derek cracks, his eyes weep more and his frown saddens.



"No I'm not-"

"Get out!" Derek roars and his fangs protrude his gums. Stiles, taken by surprise, gets up and walks out. Derek cries even more. He had really messed up this time. He heard the door of the jeep slam shut harshly and the exhaust work it's ass off to move. He was gone. And that was that.


Stiles spent the next few days noticeably moping. He wanted Derek back.

Sheriff Stilinski and Stiles were sat at the table, eating Sunday dinner. And Stiles didn't feel like eating.

"So what's on your mind?" His dad asks him. Stiles shrugs. "What's he done?"

"Who done?" He hisses back at his dad.

"Derek." His name hits him with a sharp tingling pain.

"Nothing?" Stiles shakes his head and pushes around the broccoli on his plate.

"So why don't you invite him over to stay tonight then?" Sheriff asks. Stiles pauses. No.

"No I'd rather not I mean-" He sighs heavily.

"Spill." His dad replies.

"It was the Hale family's anniversary of death yesterday."


"And he was upset so he didn't visit me. When I went around to his house, he was sobbing. And I mean sobbing. He blames himself for the fire. He got angry when I tried telling him that it wasn't his fault and he flipped."

"He hit you?" Sheriff angrily clutched his fork.

"No! He just yelled at me to get out. So I did." Stiles looked up, meeting his dad's eyes.

"So what are you going to do?"

"I don't know." Stiles truthfully says. "But I'm going to talk to Scott...maybe he can help."


Derek also spends the next few days moping around. He angrily refurbishes his home, taking out his rage with an axe on the burnt wood. Nobody visits him and he is just his usual gloomy self.

"Fuck!" He yells anger seeping through his veins. He throws the axe, watching it plummet through the air. He scrunched his face up awaiting for the large thud of when it hit something. But it doesn't. Peter is stood hold the axe.

"Really?" He says to Derek. "What did you do this time?" Derek sighs, rolling his eyes. "You broke up with him?"


"It's written all over your face." Derek's facial expressions flatten. He glares at Peter. "Why did you do it?"

"He's going to get hurt with me."


"I don't want him to die because me. I don't want to kill him like I did with my family."

"Our family." Peter realised how insensitive he was being. "He would be willing to do anything for you, he's your mate."

"I know."

"So that means no improbable death, you have this thing called lycanthropy, Derek. You can save him, you wouldn't hurt him."

"I hurt everyone."

"You're hurting him now by being apart from him." He thinks for a moment.

"You're right." So Derek sets off, leaving Peter and the axe.

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