Chapter 11: Memories

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Lucy's POV

I woke up and most likely the best mood ever. My head rested lightly on Natsu's chest listening to the soft beat of his heart. My hand place also on his chest rising and falling as he breathes.

As much as I wanted to remove my self from his bed I couldn't bring my self to leave Natsu's warmth. As I lay there I feel his nose land on my head, and take a sniff. I slowly turned my head upwards and look at him.

"What are you doing?"

He just kissed my forehead kept his eyes closed. Eventually he said "because your sent is amazing" I found my self buring my blushing face in his chest.


He chuckled and jumped up tickling my sides. I screamed and started kicking my legs around crazily. "Ahaha Natsu stop!!! Please ahh it hurts." He was laughing at my reaction then finally stopped and sighed. I gasped as he laid his face on my chest, which I realized was still bare.

He smiled into my cleavage and closed his eyes. I slowly ran my fingers through his hair. "You promised right?" "Hmm" he sat his head up and place his chin on my chest looking at me.

"You promised not you shut me out again"

I smiled. "Of course you dummy, you've done worked your way by into my heart how could I ever shut you out again." I told him as I tried to sit up. He leaned in to kiss me but I dodged.

"What the hell Luce?" He tried again and again, each time I would dodge. "Why won't you let me kiss you!" I covered my mouth and whispered. "We both have morning breath" he rolled his eyes and grabbed hold of my shoulders so I couldn't dodge.

"Natsu don't you even dare" I watched a smirk form on his lips. He leaned all the way in and kissed my nose... I finally pushed him off and jumped off the bed dragging the sheet with me, to cover my exposed body. "Where you going Lucy?" I turned to look at him. "To shower, I feel so gross!" He chuckled at my answer then buried his face back in the pillows.

I turned the shower on and cleaned my self thoroughly. While I showered I sung a little song. Once I felt refreshed I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my slick body.

After snooping through all his drawers, I finally found an unused toothbrush. I had also found half full box of condoms.. I forgot Natsu's slept with other women, I wonder if he knows that he was my first.

I looked up in the mirror to see my face a deep red. I tried to shake my thoughts and decided to brush my teeth. "Ahh so minty fresh!" I exclaimed.

I slowly opened the door and crept back into the bedroom. When I walked in I found Natsu sprawled out on top of the the comforter, on his tummy and his face was in the pillows.

He also now has on black boxer, and damn his butt looks nice. I'm defiantly a fan of hot guys with nice asses. I mentally smirked and walked over to the side of the bed. I poked his cheek a few times but he didn't budge. I raised an eyebrow then smiled as I leaned over his back.

I carefully pulled my wet hair over my shoulders then placed my hands together at the top. Running both hands against one another with the hair between, I successful drain all the water into his back. I watched in victory as his eyes opened wide and he flipped around trying to get the cold water off his back.


I shrugged and tried to play innocent. "What? I just got out the shower" I smiled as I turned away from him, but immediately yelped when two strong arms curled around my hips and pulled me back into the bed.

The arms pinned my arms above me head making me feel weak. "Now now, i must get revenge on the mean princess who dares defile the dragon King!" Natsu spoke loudly. He leaned into kiss me, causing my eyes to open widely.

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