Chapter 32: Trantrums

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Normal POV

"Nashi don't make me tell you again" Lucy warned. "Give your brother the book right now." Nashi held the book to her chest very tightly in a protective way. "No he'll just ruin it like he ruins everything else!" She yelled running off down the hall only to run into Natsu's chest.

"D-Dad?!" Natsu raised an eyebrow. "I heard yelling what's going on?" Nashi looked away from her dads questioning eyes. "Nash?" She gripped the book even tighter. "She won't let Igneel read the book" Lucy commented as she walked in with Iggy on her side. "What why not? It's a kiddy book anyway?" Natsu scratched the back of his head. "Come on kiddo let him read it, you can have it back later" Nashi stepped back again.

Natsu slipped behind her and pulled the book from her arms. Her eyes opened widely and she gasped. "No! Give it back Dad!" She cried out trying to grabbed the book from his hands. Sucks for her for being 9 and being short. Natsu simple head the book up and placed his hand on her head. "You can have the book back later princess" Nashi crossed her arms and pouted.

"I hate all of you!" She screamed before pushing her mom out of the way running to her room.

The parents stood there in complete shock. Lucy started to storm off towards her room angered but Natsu grabbed her forearm. "Hey I'll deal with her, you go read the story to iggy okay?" He handed her the book then ruffled the little boy's blonde spikes. Lucy signed and picked up the 4 year old.

"She always was a daddy's girl"

Natsu chuckled and kissed her cheek. "And now you have your Momma's boy" she rolled her eyes then walked down the hall to Igneels room. Natsu watched her hips sway as she walked down the hall and smirked. 'Damn I'm one lucky man.' The Dad tapped on his daughters door and waited for her to answer.

"Nash open up" "go away you jerk!" "Don't make me break down the door" a muffled scream could be heard from the other side of the door. "Hey kiddo I got some cookies" he heard a little gasped and shuffling of footsteps. The door slowly creaked open and chocolate eyes peered out. "Hey there you gonna open up?" Nashi's eyes looked at his hands and glared.

"Lair!" She yelled before trying to slam the door, only for Natsu to jab his foot in the way. "Nu uh missy" he pushed the door open and grabbed her arm. "STOP!" She yelled at scared she was gonna get punished. Natsu threw the little monster over his shoulder and started walking down the stairs. "Put me down you big meanie!" She yelled and hit his back. "Stop hitting me and squirming around ya Turd!"

Nashi's finally gave up and slumped over her dads shoulders. "Man kid you're getting heavy. And dads getting old" Natsu sat her down on the stool at the bar in the kitchen. He worked his away around the kitchen getting out a glass of milk and the Oreos. The two said nothing as they both ate their favorite cookies.

Natsu and Nashi's both tried to drunk their cookie at the same time and well Nashi won since her hand was small. "So wanna talk me why you wouldn't let your brother read the book?" Nashi's eyes slowly looked away from her dads gaze. "It's my favorite book and mom gave it to me. It's not fair that he gets everything now. Next he'll be wanting my scarf!" She yelled as she wrapped the scaly white fabric tighter around her neck. "He can't have it it's mine!"

Natsu chuckled and sighed. "Wanna be technical, it's mine and you're the one who stole it." The little girls eyebrows stitched together. "What do you mean? I've always had this scarf" Natsu ran his hand through his pink locks and smiled.

"Well my dad gave it to me when I was about your age and when you were a baby I couldn't get you to sleep without being in my arms so I thought maybe something warm and smells like me would so I pulled out my scarf and wrapped you up in it. You immediately fell in love and cried every time I tried to wear it so I thought I might as well just let you keep it."

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