Chapter 14: It Cant Be

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Normal POV

Lucy was in Natsu's kitchen making breakfast, as she's been doing for the past few months. She hummed softly to her self as she worked around the kitchen. Up stairs, deep under the covers was a Natsu slowly waking to the smell bacon.

A small smiled stretched on his face as he crawled out of the covers and search for his pants. He made his way slowing into the kitchen and snuck up behind His blonde beauty. He pulled her into his arms as he softly kissed her shoulder, up her neck, behind her ear, down her jawline and cheeks till finally a peck on the lips. Lucy smiled with her eyes closed as he did this.

"Good morning my love." He whisper softly before snatching a piece of bacon off the counter. Lucy giggled slightly and sat the rest of his breakfast on the table. "Goodmorning" she hummed before kissing the top of his head.

"Do you have to go to work today?" Natsu whined.

Lucy shook her head before looking up at him. "Yes Natsu, I've been out of work for over two weeks on doctors orders." He sighed and pick poked at his food. "Can you just like sell the company and let me take care of us that way you don't have to work."

Lucy huffed and looked at him again. "then I'd be home alone, and you'd have two company's. No way" he smirked up at her. "Oh so you're still playing that game huh?" She shrugged.

"Well since I love you now I can't really hate you as a reason, now it's more like a friendly competition."

Natsu tapped his finger on his chin and thought for a moment. "Hey! Why don't we combined our companies. Like if something were to happen to either of us we'd have full custody and wouldn't have to worry about someone ruining the place."

"Why don't you write that on paper and sign it somewhere. That way if we ever actually considered that it would be in ink."

Lucy's POV

We finished eating and I went to go take a shower. "Luce~" I poked my head out of the shower and saw Natsu standing there holding a towel around his waist. "No no mister" he took another step closer. "I'm running late Luce, no need to be shy I mean jeez, how many times how I've seen you naked now?"

My flushed red as I sighed and continued to wash my hair. I could sense him step in the shower behind me, my heart slowly started to speed up. 'Calm down Lucy, couples do this, they shower together.'

Natsu's arm reach down beside me and grabbed his shampoo. It was weird at first shuffling back and forth to rinse off. I turned around again and he was facing me. "Natsu?" He pushed my hair back in the water and leaned down to kiss me. "I love you" I smiled and kissed him again. "I love you too"

After that he shut the water off and handed me a towel. "Thanks" "no problem babe" I tied the towel tightly around my torso. We both stood there in the bathroom getting ready. Sure we've got ready together many times now but not like this.

It feels like we're a married couple...

I glanced over at him and saw him putting shaving cream on. I put both my hands on my hips and faced him. "Why are you shaving? You don't have a beard" He looked at me and smirked. "Ima man now Lucy, I'm stubbly." I started giggling and shaking my head. "Sure you were, sure"

I finished putting my hair up and applied a little bit of makeup. "Now this isn't fair" I looked over to see Natsu looking at me from head to toe, with his arms crossed. "Why does my girlfriend get to go look all sexy in front of other people?"

I huffed and rolled my eyes. "I've been wearing these type of clothes for God knows how long, and now they're sexy huh?" He wiggled his eyebrows. "Oh no, you totally made the meeting more interesting, wearing a tight skirt with that firm ass. Babe"

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