Chapter 4

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"So you are accepting the position then?" The lady on the phone say.

You look over to Luke and he smiles and nods.

"Yes I am" You say, "I will have to sort out accommodation and travel so when do you want me to start?"

"The manager would appreciate it if you were to start as soon as you can so possibly a day or two after you arrive in London would be best" She replies.

"I didn't realise it would be that soon" You reply, biting your lip nervously.

"Sorry it's short notice but we need someone to fill the position and fast. After all, the BBC runs a tight ship around here!" She responds.

You sigh and reply with "Okay, I'll try my best to be there as soon as I can"

"Thank you very much Miss (y/l/n)" The lady responds, "We look forward to meeting you"

The woman hangs up and you place the phone on the bed and look outside the window. Decision made: you're going back to London. You have no idea how this will turn out  but you're hoping for the best. Before, you were aching to find Dan but now that you know you are definitely going back, you feel slightly nervous. You may actually bump into Dan. Will he recognise you? If so, how will he react? You are kind of regretting your decision already but you'll make up your mind once you're there.

"I better get packing" You sigh, walking over to your wardrobe.

"Want me to help?" Luke asks, placing his cold hand on your shoulder.

"N-no it's fine" You shiver.

Luke looks at your face with confusion and then walks out of the room. You pull out the old black suitcase that you forgot to return to Phil and then remember that you have to nowhere to stay. You pace back over to your bed and pick up your phone and dial Louise's number. You need to let off steam with all of this moving malarkey on your mind!


"Hey again honey, I just left Dan and Phil's so you're safe!" She tells you.

"Oh, did you finish editing then?" You ask awkwardly.

"" She admits, "Dan got a bit angry so I decided I should give him the chance to calm down"

"Why did he get angry?"

"I think he has worked out that it's you I am talking to"

"Oh no" You moan, "Is now a bad time to tell you my decision then?"

"Of course not sweet!" She laughs, "What have you decided to do?"

You take a deep breath and sit down on the edge of your bed.

"I'm coming to London Louise" You announce, "I accepted the job."

"Oh (y/n) that's fab! I'm glad you're coming back!" Louise squeals.

"I guess I am too but I have no where to stay as this is only a trial period."

"Well I have a spare bedroom so if you want, you could stay at mine until you find your own place?" Louise offers.

A/N I'm not entirely sure that Louise even lives in London but for this fanfic, let's just say she moved down there ;)

"Seriously?" You ask in shock.

"Sure!" She replies, "It'd be great to have some company for a few months!"

"Oh Louise I can't thank you enough!"

"Don't worry about it!" Louise giggles, "It just means that I will have to steer clear of inviting Dan and Phil over!"

"Yeah" You say, frowning.

"Well get your bags packed and travel down as soon as you can!" Louise says cheerfully, "I'll get the house ready for when you come! Bye Hun!"


You hang up the phone and  exhale. All you now need to do is pack. Then, you'll have to leave the house, get a train ticket and travel to London to live with Louise for a few months. Once you're there, you'll have a whole new life ahead of you.


Walking down the creaky stairs for the last time, with a suitcase in your hand, you think about what lies ahead. As you reach the bottom you see Margaret race out of the kitchen and into the hall.

"(y/n)?" She asks, "Are you going already?"

"Yes" You say, "The BBC want me as soon as possible and Louise is letting me stay with her. I can catch the train and be there within less than half a day."

"Wow, you move on fast!" She says.

"What do you mean?" You question, your eyebrows lowering.

"Well you came all the way from America to here and then you decide to go to London at the last minute just months after living here!" She laughs.

"I guess so" You smirk, "But you know, discovering yourself and all that stuff!"

"I do indeed and I wish you all the best in doing so!" Margaret smiles, "Have you sorted things out with Luke?"

"Yeah" You sigh, "I'm going to London and seeing how it goes and then Luke may move down there with me"

"Sounds like a good plan" She nods, "It will give you time to decide and that's all that matters when there is a life changing decision that needs to be made. Just make sure you get what you want and not what others do. Be selfish!"

You both laugh and embrace each other briefly.

"I will miss you dearly (y/n)"

"Thanks for everything Margaret" You smile sincerely.

"No problem at all dear!" She responds, "Now go and get that train"

Magaret opens the door to the large Victorian house wide and waves as you exit. Just as she goes to close it, you see your blonde boyfriend run to the door and up to you. He then wraps his arms around you awkwardly, making you return the hug.

"I love you" He says.

"Bye Luke" You smile, pulling back.

Luke waves and you begin to walk out of the gate and down the road, making your way to the train station that isn't very far from here. Your exchanging of words said everything: Luke loves you but you want to leave him. You then remember the time at Dan and Phil's apartment when you and Dan said the same 3 words that Luke just said. However, back then, you returned the words with ease. Would it be the same now?

As you walk down the road, you look back at the Victorian house and see that Luke has gone back inside and Margaret is still standing at door, watching you walk away with a warm smile on her face and tears in her eyes. That says it all too. With the wind blowing your red locks of hair in your face, you turn back to face the path and continue to walk away.

This is the same walk that Dan did when he left one year ago. Thinking about it, if he turned around he would've seen you looking through the window quite clearly. You wish you never said goodbye.

A/N You're off to London to live with Louise - wooooo~! Fun times are ahead but will you see Dan again? That would change everything. Be ready at all times Phandom ;) ~ Katie

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