Chapter 13

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"Thank you for listening and we'll see you again at the same time next week!" Phil says into the microphone.

"Bye guys!" Dan smiles at the camera, with a little wave.

The camera shuts off and Kim pulls down the sound buttons. You look up through the glass and watch Dan and Phil take off their headphones. Dan turns to Phil smiling and then you see Phil say something to Dan, making Dan's face fall. You wish you knew what they were saying but Kim has turned off the sound board, making their words silent when their mouths move. Dan just stands with his hands on hips and his head nodding as Phil speaks to him. Lost in thought as you look through the window, you notice that Kim is talking to you.

"What? Oh, sorry..." You apologise quickly.

"I was just saying well done for trying your best today - you are doing well!" Kim repeats, "Dan and Phil really are funny guys and working alongside them is not only a challenge but a hilarious experience you won't want to miss."

Oh Kim, if only you knew!

 You simply nod and then bend over, picking up your black leather handbag and hanging it on your shoulder. You hear the studio door swing open and watch as the two fringed boys walk through. Phil walks over to some of the camera guys whilst Dan walks straight up to you.

"So what did you think?" Dan asks, with a little smirk.

"You guys did great!" You say.

"Glad you liked it!" Dan winks, "So, are you still up for going out somewhere tonight?"

You shuffle your feet and give a little shrug as you bow your head. You don't know what you want or what is best anymore but you feel like you need to give Dan a chance to put things right. A mistake is a mistake at the end of the day!

"I guess I am!" You smile, looking back up at him.

"Good!" He responds, "I'll pick you up at 8:00 tonight at your-"

Dan furrows his eyebrows and bites his lip as if he is thinking hard.

"I don't think you told me where you are staying..." Dan admits.

"Well..." You begin, "I'm staying with Louise for a little while until my boy-"

"With Louise!" Dan exclaims, "I knew she was up to something!"

"What do you mean?" I question quietly.

"Oh nothing. So yeah, I'll meet you at Louise's at 8" Dan smiles.

"Okay. We better get the tube back to Islington together then" You say.

Dan nods and then Phil walks over to you both with a smile. After admitting to him that you are giving Dan a chance, Phil seems delighted and you all leave the studio, waving to Florence and walking to the tube station.


"So he knows now?!" Louise exclaims, "And you're going on a date with him?"

"It's not  a date Louise!" You plead, "We just need to clear some things up before we start working together! It's easier than being terrified of bumping into him all the time!"

Louise sighs and places your mug on the coffee coaster on the glass table in front of you. She takes a seat on the leather sofa next to you and looks directly at you.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? (y/n) you have a boyfriend! Does Dan even know that?" Louise asks, slurping her tea.

"Well..." You begin, "I tried to tell him but he interrupted me before I could."

"You're leading him on (y/n)! He has been devastated without you in his life and now you're back in London, he thinks he has the chance to win you back! You and I both know that that is not going to happen!" Louise says seriously.

"Do we?"

Louise looks confused and then shakes her head angrily.

"You are with Luke! You are supposed to be in love with him! He cares about you!" Louise shouts, "Dan cheated on you with Hollie after he played you like a game of darts - he aimed and he hit the bullseye and thought he had you right where he wanted you! You made the choice that you didn't want to be played by him anymore and you left him. You then found someone whose even better than Dan yet you still want Dan!"

"Because I love Dan!" You yell, feeling tears pour down your flushed cheeks.

"I don't think you know what love is!" Louise says with gritted teeth, "I'm not saying this stuff to hurt you or start an argument with you - I'm saying it to make you realise that somethings should be left alone! Luke loves you and if he found out that you were meeting up with Dan, think of how hurt he'd  be! Remember how hurt you were when you saw Dan rushing after Hollie like she was some damsel in distress?"

"Yes." You sob, "I do. It hurt. I felt like a piece of crap for so long. Oh Louise I don't know what to do"

You collapse in a teary-eyed mess onto Louise and she wraps her arms around you, cradling you like a mother would comfort her daughter. You watch a little blonde girl run into the living room, looking worried (probably because of the shouting) and Louise looks up.

"You okay munchkin?" Louise asks over your shoulder.

"Yeah" Darcy replies, fiddling with the hair of her dolly, "Is (y/n) okay?"

You look up at Darcy with a loving, warm smile.

"Yes I'm just fine!" You respond.

"Okay" She says, "Could you come and play with me and my dollies?"

You look to Louise and Louise smiles at you sympathetically.

"(y/n) is going out tonight poppet but I'm sure she'll play with you another night!" Louise tells her.

Darcy nods and then toddles back into the hall innocently.

"I don't know if I want to go anymore" You sigh, standing up from the sofa.

"Maybe you should just to clear things up but please remember your boundaries - you don't want to lead Dan on if it's not your intention. However, that doesn't mean you can't enjoy yourself a little!" Louise smiles, "Now, let's go and find you something to wear!"

You and Louise walk out of the living room and into the glittery, pink and white hallway and into your fairy light lit bedroom. You know that Louise is only trying to give you the best advice but she just doesn't get it. Luke may seem nice but you just don't love him. You love Dan.

A/N Oooh little bit of tension there between you and Louise! Is Louise right though? What does Dan think of the whole situation and what will happen tonight? Sorry this was a bit of lame chapter but we need to get this out of the way before the good stuff happens. By "good stuff" I mean love, arguments, heartache and a lot of fluffy cuteness :) Enjoy~ Katie ^.^

The Fear Of Falling Apart // Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now