Chapter 5

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A/N Okay so this going to be a huge time skip, I know, but I think most of you care more about arriving in London, seeing Louise etc than getting a ticket and catching your train (I hope so anyway) so as always, enjoy :D

Sitting in an uncomfortable, green, leather train seat for the past 5 hours straight has proved to be incredibly tiring but within just a few minutes, you'll be arriving at the platform that you are getting off at. From there onwards, you know exactly where you are and where to go. You are actually pretty excited to return to London and spend a few months with Louise; you spoke to Louise not so long ago too and she already has so much planned!

You tried calling Luke an hour ago but he didn't pick up - part of you doubts you'll even stay in contact. It's a shame really. As a friend to talk to, you and Luke got on very well and the friendship may have lasted. Unfortunately, you both pushed for something that really isn't there. You figured that after a while, you'd get used to it but you never did. Love is a mutual connection: if only one person is in love, there will never be anything between the two.

Sadly, you worry that that was the case with you and Dan.

"We are now approaching Islington station, please make your way carefully across the platform when the carriage doors open. Thank you."

You swallow and stand up from your seat, picking up your case as you begin to make your way over the door. You watch as others do the same and then the train slows and stops. You take a long step over the gap between the train and the platform and begin heading towards the station. This is it - you're in London! You look around at the familiar night time landscape and feel like you're at home already.

You begin making your way through to the other side of the station when you spot a girl with blonde hair and pink dip dye with a huge grin on her face.

"Louise!" You exclaim, running towards her as her arms open wide.

"(y/n) you're finally here!" She squeals, bringing you into a tight squeeze.

"I am and I can't believe it!" You say, smiling.

"You look knackered!" Louise giggles, handing you a Costa cup.

"You sure know me well" You respond, taking the cup to your mouth.

"Well, let's get back to the apartment and chill for a bit then - it's quite late anyway." Louise smiles, "Not to mention that you're starting your job in a day or two!"

"Ugh I know!" You respond, sipping the coffee slowly.

You and Louise walk out the doors to see the street lamp lit London road and begin making your way back to the apartment.

"So do Dan and Phil have any idea at all that I'm here?" You ask, anxiously.

"Not all!" Louise replies, "They probably won't either"

"Well that depends on what the BBC have in mind" You sigh, "I may be seeing them both soon and that worries me - I don't know if I'm ready."

"You're a strong and independent woman, you don't need to be ready! You'll just take it one moment at a time and go with the flow!" Louise tells you.

"Thanks for the encouragement but I don't feel like I am strong or independent"

"Pfft, you are though! Sometimes, you just have to tell yourself that you are even when you feel like your not and then before long, you'll feel like you can do anything!" Louise winks, turning the corner.

"I guess so" You mumble.

After a long conversation about your new job and hopes and plans for the future, you reach Louise's apartment. You walk through the door and walk up the flights of stairs until you reach a white front door. Louise pulls her keys out from her pink and cream handbag and begins unlocking the door.

"Welcome to your new home!" She sings, pushing the door wide open.

You walk through into the hall and look around at the pretty pink and glittery décor but as it is Louise, she balanced the girlyness and the sophistication which is not normally your idea of decoration but it works and you are so grateful that Louise has let you stay with her.

"Make yourself at home!" Louise calls out walking into the kitchen, "I'll stick the kettle on - your room is the door next to the living room if you want to put your bag down."

"Okay - thanks Louise" You reply, walking down the hall covered in butterflies.

You reach a baby pink painted door and turn the handle, finding a double bed with silky white sheets and fairly lights on the headboard. It looks so comfy and Louise has neatly layed a pink blanket at the bottom of the bed, with a few teddy bears. You place your suitcase next to the bed and turn around to face door again. Walking out the of the room, you close the door and look around at all the family photos on Louise's walls - she really cares about her family.

"Hey Louise?"


"Where's Darcy?" You ask, walking into the kitchen to see Louise stirring the tea.

"Wait did I not bring her with me?" Louise gasps, looking scared.

For a minute you are shocked at Louise's response but you see her face suddenly light up as she laughs at the panicked expression on yours.

"Aw you actually believe me!" She giggles, "She's staying with her Dad at the moment"

"Haha, oh ok!"

Louise hands you a blue and white stripy mug and walks into the living room with a biscuit in her mouth. You follow her in and take a seat on the fluffy white bean bag, sipping some of the tea from your mug.

"So what do you think of the place?" Louise asks, biting into her biscuit.

"It's stunning Louise!" You declare, smiling, "I feel at home already - thank you so much!"

"No problem at all!" Louise replies.

You've only been in London for a few hours but it's amazing how you can get so used to the place that once was your home so quickly when you return. You are hoping that it all works out; you can live in London with Luke and work for the BBC - the dream your Mum was talking about you finding. But then again, you are still unsure to whether the BBC will work out or not and if you still want to be with Luke. Honestly, the minute you stepped foot in London, Dan was the first and only thing in the back of your mind. Before, you hoped that you would bump into him but now you are feeling anxious about what would happen if you did.

Only time will tell.

A/N Wooo~ You are back in London and you are already enjoying living with Louise. You begin your new job in a day or too - so soon I know! But you want to see Dan right? Or do you? What do you want to happen - how will you see him? Let me know in the comments below any suggestions or ideas and don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter! Ciao ~ Katie ;3

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