Chapter 14

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"So how does this look?" You ask.

Louise's mouth drops as you walk out into the living room with a your red hair in curled ringlets and a white, glitter bow to the side of your hair, matching the white velvet dress clinging to your body. You grasp onto your black clutch purse and do a little twirl, trying not to break your ankle in your black, shiny high heels.

"(y/n), not gonna lie, but you look stunning!" Louise squeals.

"Thank you" You say, allowing a crimson smile to appear on your face.

"Listen chick..." Louise sighs, walking closer to you "You do what you think is best okay? I don't want to stop you from making your own decisions, I just don't want either of you broken again."

"I know Louise"

"Just have fun but not too much fun!" Louise giggles.

"I'll try" You say, taking a deep breath.

You pick up your leather jacket and throw it over your arm as you walk out of the living room and into the hall. You pull your phone out of your pocket to see a message from Dan. When you were on the tube, he gave you his new number so he could text you if he 'needed to'.

"Hey! Just walking up now. x"

You feel yourself smile at the text and you look up into the mirror. You actually do look presentable and you feel a wave of excitement come over you from the confidence you have suddenly gained. Gripping onto your clutch purse, you take a few deep breaths and relax your mind.

Tonight is not a date. It's just two old friends hanging out like old times.

You keep telling yourself that but you still have the secret hope that it is more than that.

A knock at the door makes you snap out of your trance and you turn the handle of the door to see Dan standing in front of you, in a white shirt with a button undone at the top, black skinny jeans, his fringe pushed back and a whiff of his aftershave lingering, giving you butterflies straight away. His eyes meet with yours and he just grins

"You look beautiful" He states, giving you a little wink and a lip bite.

"Says yourself" You giggle, walking past him and closing the door behind you.

As you walk down the stairs and look out the window to the darkened London street, you feel Dan's hand reach out and grab yours. At first, it takes you by surprise but you quickly tighten your grip and feel safe as he guides you outside, underneath the starry sky.

"So what do you have planned Howell?"

"A few surprises" Dan replies, his thumb brushing slowly against your hand.

As you walk down the street, you feel Dan's hand slip from yours and fall behind your waist. You know that these were the boundaries that Louise was talking about but you can't bring yourself to stop him. Honestly, you are loving every second of this. You want Dan back in your arms and that's all there is to it. Through the streets, Dan flicks his hair back and grips on tightly to your waist, sending a chill up your body everytime. Eventually, you reach a small Italian restaurant that you recognise from when you lived down here a year ago - it was yours and Dan's favourite place to eat at once upon a time!

"Oh Dan" You gasp, "I had completely forgotten about this little treasure!"

"I thought you might've" Dan smirks, "So I booked a table for us to eat at"

With a shimmer in yours eyes, filled with admiration, you face Dan. You love him so much. Luke never does anything like this. Sure, he'll buy you coffee, but causally taking you out for a meal is definitely not on his agenda.

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