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"What's your plan exactly?"

Questioningly, Amber's eyes wander down to the bell that Seth's been ringing continuously for about five seconds. They're standing at the front desk of the motel, waiting for someone to show; only so that they can set Seth's new plan in motion. What that plan exactly consists of, Amber still doesn't know.

"Saw that big beige monster that almost ran us over?" Seth gives her a side glance. "That's our new cover."

"You really gonna take more hostages?"

The older Gecko turns his head to her, his brows raised. "You really need to drive down that attitude of yours," he warns her. "Told you you're safe, but that don't mean I won't put you in the trunk if I have to."

Amber lets out a barely audible laugh before trailing off with her glance and spotting Richie who walks into the lobby; as cool as a cucumber. Just like Seth has planned, he appears at the right time to carry out his part of the plan.

"I need you to promise me that you're gonna release me when we get to the border."


Seth, for a moment somewhere in his own troubles, snaps out of them, meeting her expectant gaze. Her eyes are on him, carefully, like she's estimating his trustworthiness.

"I don't know a lot about you," she says, "but I do like to believe you're a man of your word. Would hurt your big pride to go against your promises. So I'm asking you to make me one."

He eyes her skeptically, thinking. "I'm letting you go," he speaks up finally, noticing how her expression lightens, "But only after we made it across."

She gives him a last meaningful look, before her attention is drawn by something else.

An old man finally appears at the front desk, looking good beyond his late 60's. As he spots the two, a contemptuous expression hushes over his face. Perhaps he's just pissed off by the continuous ringing of the bell from the counter. Wouldn't be the only one.

"Hey there, old timer." Seth clears his throat, his arms casually resting on the counter in front of him. "Say, listen, um ― where's a good place to get something to eat around here?"

"What do I look like, the damn Chamber of Commerce?"

Seth's brows shoot up at response and even Amber next to him looks surprised at the grumpiness.

"Look, I'm just trying to find somewhere to eat," Seth explains calmly.

"I don't care where you eat as long as you don't eat in that room!" While the old man proceeds to get worked up, Richie's already standing at the table next to the counter. He's turned the register around to him, without the old man realizing, and goes through the list of names in order to find the family from the R.V.

"If I smell food coming out of that room, I'm gonna throw your and your chick's ass out on that street, and don't you think I won't do it!"

Seth sets his mouth in a thin line, exhaling through his nose, almost as if he's trying to maintain composure.

"You know what, just forget it. It's okay. But don't you dare talk about this lady like that. Have a nice day."

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