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xv. the temple's madness

Amber awoke uncomfortably. She didn't know where she was, but the fetters around her arms and legs set her in instant panic mode. The room around her was dark and moist, reminding her of the tunnel they've been in before. But where was she now?

Muffled screams that sounded like the noise that was created by scratching something sharp over a smooth surface, filled the air. Amber desperately tried to free herself, lifting her head in order to see something in the dark. The noises were terrifying and made her anxiety rise until the point where she let out cries. "Help!", she yelled, tears in her eyes while she continued to shift. The rope cut into her skin as she moved -- Amber shutting out the inescapable pain spreading out in her body.

With widened eyes and a whimper on her lips, Amber shortly after that watched a bunch of culebras slowly appearing out of the darkness, making their way up to her in sluggish steps. "Help, help, help!", she cried, and for the first time she experienced what it was like to be scared to death. She was sure this was the end; she was alone, no one around, and she had no idea where she was. Seth and the others would never find her in time.

The creatures began to growl as they stood directly next to her, barely able to control their bloodlust at the sight of the girl. With horror, Amber watched one of them reveal a silver, sharp dagger, pointing it on her upper body before intending to stab her into her chest -- she already let out a painful cry, but instead of being killed, she watched as the creature with the dagger was suddenly pierced through by a wooden stake on a fishing line.

Amber's head snapped around to where the fishing line was thrown from, and with great relief in her eyes she spotted Seth. She couldn't put in words how happy she was to see him.

"Help!", she cried out again, now with more power.

"Bambi!", she heard Seth call out. She watched Tanner, Seth and Jacob stop in their tracks, while Kate was right behind them. "Okay, Chee-nans!", Seth yelled, his eyes measuring the amount of ammunition they'd need to win over the culebras.

"It's Chanan", Tanner corrected him.

"Okay, Chin-ons!"

"No, it's a long 'N'. It's Chanan."

"Whatever", Seth said. "Professor, you go right, Jacob and Kate, you left." At his commando, the group split in different directions, while the culebras stood in the middle around Amber, hissing dangerously.

"Alright you sons of bitches", Seth muttered, his eyes fixated on the creatures. He shot his stake, but missed when the culebra he intended to kill caught the stake before it could hit him. He snatched the fishing gear away from Seth, causing the Gecko to put back his sleeves. "You wanna go? You got it." He formed a fist and threw an unexpectedly hard punch at the culebra, who then stumbled backwards.

The others fought the creatures as well -- Amber still tied to the cold stone where she couldn't move. The air was filled with roars and grunts, until the group managed to kill most of them, and scare the rest off.

"Help", Amber quietly gasped, before Jacob, who stood next to her, quickly untangled the ropes at her hands and feet. Seth came closer as well, breathing heavily.

"Did you guys see that?" Tanner questioned. "They tried to sacrifice her. Even after all these years, they're still practicing their rituals."

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