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Dancing strippers, tireless bikers, gold alcohol poured into small glasses in greedy amounts ― and in the midst of it Amber, untangling a way for herself. Her eyes shot back again, brushing past all those men that she didn't dare to look in the interested eyes. Not being able to spot Seth anywhere near, she figured he had probably lost sight of her as well.

The chatters of the men around her increased in volume as she passed them and some of them even tried to approach her.

"Sweetheart!" They called out, their voices revealing that they may have had a few drinks too much.

"Sweetie! Come here, where are you going?"

Amber walked faster, hoping desperately that somewhere in this mess of people she'd find Richie. Maybe he would convince Seth of letting them go; they didn't need the Fullers or Amber anymore to finish their deal.

Reaching the bar counter from the beginning, Amber leaned against it before her gaze drifted over the crowds of people at the tables.  It wasn't until she felt a pair of eyes on her that Amber noticed that she was being watched by a man at the end of the bar.

He wasn't looking at her the way the other men in here did. Something suspicious laid in his look.

His eyes were dark; just like his hair and beard. But what made him so distinguishable was the light pink scar on his cheek. He watched her with narrowed eyes while his jaw was clenched -- enough for Amber to want to get away there as fast as possible.

Quickly, she stumbled away and walked around the bar, down a small hallway until a red wine colored curtain appeared in front of her eyes.

Without hesitation, Amber pushed it aside and stumbled into a room. The light was dimmed and all in all it looked quite cozy; the stone wall at the side was full of beautiful ancient carvings and the Hispanic rock music from the bar was damped by the thick curtain.


It was Richie's voice that made her turn around to a small sofa at the other side of the room. She met his blue eyes with a questioning look, soon wandering to the stripper that danced on top of him.

As if their eye contact had shaken him awake from some sort of trance, he gently pushed the stripper off his body. "That's enough. Get up."

The stripper turned around and Amber recognized her to be the first one who approached them right after they had entered the bar. She gave Amber a look full of distaste as she walked past her and disappeared behind the curtain. Amber's eyes followed her until she was fully gone; a quiet huff on her lips.

"Why are you wandering around here alone, Amber?", Richie questioned, his arm resting on the back rest. Despite his words, his voice sounded unconcerned.

Amber turned around to him again. He eyed her, his head slightly tilted to the side in a playful way; but his eyes remained void of any emotions. Amber had to admit; he was good at hiding his feelings.

Amber tucked a dark strand of hair behind her ear before she slowly took a seat next to him. "I didn't feel like family bonding with Seth and the others", she said, rolling her eyes.

Richie briefly studied her features as she fell on the seat next to him, turning around to face him. Sensing the girl's uneasiness, he lowered his brows. "Did something happen?"

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