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          Making a run for it was a tread on dangerous ground.

Her head pounded as though filled with hot blood whipping against her skull, and the sound of her pulse in her ears clouded her ability to hear anything behind her. Her breath quickened with every step she took as she climbed the stairs at the left and afterwards spurted down the corridor of the motel.

A paradoxical cocktail of fear and bravery had the girl throw a look back ― letting her realize that Seth was not far behind her, his fast steps echoing through the hallway. He'd catch up with her quicker than she had expected, so the girl increased her pace ― but it was of no use.

Just as she was about to turn left, she was grabbed by her waist, a hand covering her mouth through which a frightened cry erupted. Seth pulled her back into a small corner before they heard the Texas Ranger appear at the beginning of the corridor, breathing heavily. Silently, Seth pushed himself against the wall with Amber in his grip, and waited for the Ranger to move on. And as expected, The Ranger was gone after a short while in which he assumed that the Gecko and the girl weren't there.

"What the heck was that, Bambi?" he snapped angrily at Amber now, letting out quick breaths after his sprint while his nostrils flared dangerously with every breath. By now, Amber had learnt how to know if Seth Gecko was pissed. And he was pissed off a lot. But right now, she could tell he was at the bottom of his tolerance. He had made a safe plan that he had expected to be followed step by step ― no matter what, stick to the plan. That was how he worked. That was how it had always worked. And now, everything was a chaos of chase after chase and the incapability to keep track of time made him furious.

Therefore, Amber knew without a doubt, Seth Gecko was pissed.

Despite his rhetorical question, Amber parted her lips ― as if she was about to voice her opinion ― but she hadn't had enough breath to answer properly.

But that didn't appear to be necessary. Seth, who knew that the Ranger was just somewhere behind the corner scanning the place for them, had already lifted her, much to the girl's surprise, and swung her over his shoulder.

"What are you doing?" Amber exclaimed in outrage, smacking his back in hope he would put her down again. "Let me go!"

"Shut up", Seth said nonchalantly, as quickly as possible making his way back with the brunette over his shoulder. He showed no sign of letting her down at any point.

Feeling his hand wrapped around her waist, Amber blew out a breath as she hung down his back, a defeated feeling plaguing her mind. Wherever she would run, Seth would catch up with her anyway. Her eyes drifted off to the corner where Seth had picked her up, and with a tilted head, she watched as the same Texas Ranger appeared.

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