Chapter 39

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Most couples would have a falling out. They'd fight, they'd bicker, they would have lost each others faith. I'm glad Harry and I aren't a normal couple. Our separation made us so much stronger, it was hard to go anywhere and leave each others side just because we were both terrified we'd loose each other again.  

We were currently at the airport  to pick up Lou,El,Nina,Zayn,Niall and Liam. They'd all be staying with us the last week of vacation before we went back off to the UK. Harry didn't seem as excited about it as I was, but I really missed my friends. I've only talked to Eleanor and Nina twice but mostly I miss Lou. We had such an amazing friendship and I feel like it's slowly dwindling. "You do realize this means we aren't having sex until we get back right?" Harry reminded me again.

"You'll be fine you horny monkey. Calm down" I chuckled.  

"you know, there flight dosen't land for another few minutes we could totally make use of that bathroom over there" he grinned cheekily. I rolled my eyes and elbowed his side making him grunt. "It was only a suggestion."

"Just keep and eye out will you?" 

Harry rolled his eyes but nodded anyways, taking my hand as a crowd of people approached so I wouldn't get lost among them. He craned his neck to check over the crowd but shrugged a few moments after in defeat. "I don't see them" 

I frowned, leaning into Harry's side as the crowd began to disperse. Just look for the six people who look completely out of place. I reminded myself. Surprisingly I was right. Our six idiot friends were the last to exit, looking dazed and confused as they walked. "Do you think we're in the right place?" Lou questioned , looking around slightly perplexed. 

"Nope you went the wrong way, go back to Europe" I ordered, sarcasm littering my every word. 

"you cheeky little shit" Louis laughed, his eyes landing on me as he shook his head leaving his fringe to fall over his left eye. They must have had an early flight by how exhausted they looked I grinned and headed over, attacking him into a hug. 

"Me next me next!" Eleanor chimed, an hour later we were all in a cab since we returned our rental car after Harry's and my little trip. They were all ecstatic to see the island, Nina and El because it was romantic. They had this whole idea about Zayn and Louis taking them out on moonlit walk on the beach or skinny dipping. All that fairy tale crap while Liam and Niall just wanted to party. But of course that required Louis' help since he was legal and Eleanor was having none of that on her special vacation. Typical weirdo friends I guess. 

It was surprising to find we all fit on the boat, luggage and all it carried us to the Island. They all hopped out immediately upon docking to fight over the best rooms while Harry and I took our time, laughing quietly as they sped ahead of us. Harry pulled my hand into his to tug me closer to his side as we strolled up to the large house. I chuckled as I heard screams from the upstairs about room choice.

"How are you friends with these people" Harry chuckled, leading me into the living room and falling onto the couch and pulling me with him. I landed on top of him and Harry wrapped his arms around my torso, clasping his hands together on my lower back. My head finding its place in the nook of his neck. 

"You mean 'We'. They're your friends now too" I smiled. "You're not alone anymore babe, you're cared about by more than just me" I hummed, just before pressing a kiss to the underside of Harry jaw. He stared down at me and sighed. 

"I guess.."

I shifted my weight into the nook between the couch cushion and Harry's body so I could get myself a proper view of his eyes. My fingers brushed a stray curl from his brow and I kissed him. I wanted him to know he was truly loved and not alone anymore. Harry kissed back, holding me lightly by the waist until I pulled away and lay my head against his chest. After silently tracing random patters against harry's skin for a awhile our moment was disturbed by a huffing Louis. 

"Got the room I wanted" he grinned. "Now who's ready for booze?" Louis smirked, pulling out his ID. 

Louis' P.O.V.

Harry allowed me to take the boat out to get booze, Eleanor of course tagged along to, as she put it 'keep me in check'. Which I guess I didn't mind much, after only spending an hour with Cryssy and Harry I had some things I wanted to talk about with her. It wasn't exactly a manly conversation so El was my best bet for a serious response considering she knew Cryssy well. 

"Cryssy and Harry seem quite friendly" I commented casually. 

"Well of course they are Lou, I told you she said those three words too him" she smiled. 

"If I'm being honest El, I expected him to leave her. He's not the kind of guy to take those words" 

"Well I haven't got the down low in awhile maybe he said it back" she mused. 

"Harry would never say it" 

Eleanor frowned "how are you so sure?" 

"Well have you seen the guy El? He may care about her but god, I don't think he's capable of it"

"Well then why would you set them up if you knew he couldn't love her?" She frowned, I could tell by her minuscule scowl she wasn't happy about my careless actions but they weren't entirely careless, I had reason. 

"Well" my eyebrows furrowed as I thought back to why exactly I ever fathomed them as a good match. "I felt like Cryssy needed someone to protect her, after being with Matt and being treated like shit I felt bad for her. But when I saw the way Harry took such a liking to her the night they met, I thought they'd fit. After his ex I knew he couldn't love but I thought Cryssy was strong enough for that after seeing the way he was anyways" I sighed. "But they seem happy I guess, you think they're okay?"

"They seem more than okay Lou" she smiled, her mood changing in an instant. "I think he loves her. In the way he acts around her...and treats her. He looks so happy" I nodded, maybe I'd catch on to their 'love' later. 


We sat on logs around a fire, each of us a bottle of beer in, personally I was only half in because I was too busy watching Cryssy and Harry. I don't know how I didn't notice before. After all I was the lads best friend. And He looked at her like she was his world. It was the way I looked at Eleanor and the way Zayn sometimes looked at Nina. Harry was completely different than what he was when they left. You could see it in his eyes, he loved her. More than he ever thought he could and it was weird to witness. I felt like I could feel what they were feeling. When they smiled at each other I felt happiness. When they laughed together I wanted to laugh. 

Eleanor gave me a knowing smirk as she drank, I couldn't fathom how even she saw it in Harry before me. Harry smiled at me from across the fire with a lopsided grin which I matched, raising my drink in a silent cheers. Cryssy watched him from his side, staring up at him with her normal cheesy smile. She was in so deep, I hoped they stayed this happy. 

"Alright, it's time for campfire songs!" Niall sang, as he jogged out from the house with a fresh beer and guitar. I smirked. 

"Harry why don't you start?"

"Me?" he choked a little "I don't think so Lou"

"Aw come on!" I smiled, egging him on with a challenging grin. He had been drinking, it wouldn't be too hard to persuade him soon.

"You should do it babe" Cryssy smiled from his side, and giving him a little nudge. 

"I'll sing with ya" Niall grinned, picking at the strings of his guitar. Cryssy gave him a pleading look and I knew Harry was going to give in with the way he squirmed beneath her stare. 

"fine" The lot of us whooped and cheered before he waved us off. "what do we sing?"

"A classic of course!" the Irishman grinned, he began to strum the guitar and hum a little tune. I recognized it immediately and so did Harry, Niall started it off, Harry taking the next line. Both of them switching off until the chorus where they both sang, a few of us even joining on certain parts.

"I get by with a little help from my friends
Yeah, I get high with a little help from my friends
Oh gonna try with a little help from my friends"

Harry sang the next part himself, making me grin as he gripped Cryssy's hand close to his side. His raspy voice giving the song the justice it deserved. 

"Do you need anybody
I need somebody to love
Could it be anybody 
I want somebody to love"

Harry peeked down at Cryssy when he finished, encouraging her to sing along with the rest of us that joined for the next part. Once again we all stopped for Harry seeing as his voice fit it amazingly (1:54 in video specifically)

"Do you need anybody
I need somebody to love
Could it be anybody" 

The song ended in laughs and smiles, Niall slapped Harry on the back and told him he did well. Liam, Zayn, Nina and El seemed amazed with Harry. They were seeing him in a completely new light. To be honest so was I. Harry had changed. I wasn't sure for how long or if it was permanent, but I liked it this way. 

Harry's P.O.V.

I carried Cryssy bridal style up the stairs to the bedroom, listening to her drunken chatter with a smile on my lips. She was talking about how much she loved me. I wasn't used to this love thing yet, not again at least. It made me feel funny, knowing she could leave me at any moment yet here she was spilling the beans about all the things she adored about me as if I were her diary. 

"Your smile is just stunning" she muttered "Those dimples got me in the beginning, but when you really started to smile oh gosh it was great. Not that sexy little smirk you got" she tisked. "The smile with the teeth and your eyes's so cute" she huffed. "I love your eyes" She began again after a short silence. "They are so pretty, it's like you hide stars in them so they sparkle. And you're so sweet when you want to be..and gentle..and possessive. God I love it and I know I shouldn't because you may not love me forever but Harry I think I may love you forever" she confessed. 

My heart did weird things when she said that. It felt like she was reaching into my chest and squeezing it to her delight then let it go so it dropped into my stomach. "You'll love me forever?" I asked. She nodded, toying with one of my curls with her index finger as I opened the door to our bedroom with my foot. 

"Will you ever marry me harry?" she slurred. 

"Cryssy, your drunk love, get some sleep" I covered, she nodded sleepily. Leaning up for a kiss which I quickly submitted too. I had to remind myself she was waisted, she couldn't be thinking straight. That was just something on the back of her mind she didn't want to bring up because we weren't there yet. And that's what I would continue to tell myself.I didn't see myself marrying, hell a couple months ago I didn't see myself with a girlfriend at all. 

After taking a quick shower and crawling under the covers in bed I pulled Cryssy flush against my chest. She was almost asleep but she still snuggled closer like she did every night. I kissed her temple lightly and laid my head back on the pillows, keeping my arms wound around her waist. Her fingers brushed over the skin of my arm lightly as both of our breathing began to slow. I didn't really want to sleep though, our vacation would be over in six days and it's be back to separate apartments and she'd start school again while I'd be working. I was truly afraid to be away from her again, there was a lost feeling in the pit of my stomach when ever we were apart and I really hated it. I hated being vulnerable again, but I think...maybe... she's worth any pain that may come from it. 


After tightening my headband, I headed back towards the bedroom. Cryssy was wrapped up in the blanket from last night, our morning was a little...rough. I smirked at the thought and sat myself on the edge of the bed. I tugged the blanket down some to expose her skin and Cryssy hummed a little into the white sheets as I ran a hand down her bare back. Her skin was warm beneath my fingers as the tips caressed her lightly tanned skin. Small goosebumps rose over the areas I touched making me smile before I leaned down and placed small kisses against her spine. 

"Cryssy" i sang lightly, moving my lips slowly up her back and towards her shoulder. She moaned in response. "Babe, I'm leaving okay?" 

"Why?" she sighed, turning slightly to stare up at me. I watched as she pulled the blanket up to cover her chest and then settled back into the pillows. Her dark hair fanning out over the sheets. I was leaned over her, my elbow propping my weight up near her head as I played with a stray ringlet of Cryssy's hair. 

"The boys wanna go surfing and since I only have one board we're gonna have to rent them on the coast." I explained. She nodded and pulled my face down for a kiss. Her lips were still a bit swollen from earlier making me want to smirk but held it over until after we finished our kiss. 

"Have fun, I love you" she murmured, eyes still drooping with exhaustion. 

"Love you too" I breathed back. She let her grip on my forearm go and I headed out the door. I knew she was perfectly safe here with the girls so there was no need for me to worry. I could just have a good time with the lads. I was pretty excited to say the least, guy time again would be nice, I haven't spent so much time with one girl since I was 16.

I brushed off the thought and headed downstairs and out the front door. The boys were tossing around a ball as I exited our temporary home. "Finally ready Styles?" Louis called out with a wide smirk. 

I rolled my eyes, and strolled down the steps. "Yep, off we go" 

A/N: Not and amazing chapter, I'm so very sorry for that and the wait. Next update will be better. Promise x. I plan on making chapters longer for you guys because I started school this week. I'm gonna be really busy so the update may just be once a week instead of every couple days. I hope you don't hate me for that <3 This story is actually coming to an end pretty soon. I may make a sequel depending on if you guys want one, personally I'd love to make one but I'll let you be the judge. 
By the way, if you comment frequently I DO see it and I've probably memorized your user name, so i may dedicate a chapter you guys as well as the story comes to a close. Your comments don't have to be dorky jokes if you think your not funny, just leave something sweet and I might pick you as well :) 
If you're reading my Niall fanfic that update is coming in the next day or two so don't fret :) and If you aren't reading it...well you should because I love you and it will make me very happy if you vote and comment <3

That's all for now! Leave comments please and vote! I'll love you forever if you do both!! Bye for now <3

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