A New Beginning, pt. 3

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By now, the sun was just above the horizon, casting a warm glow into the cabin. The sky was a soft orange color, which made Lily’s dark hair seem lighter, and filled Snape’s hollow black eyes with light. The four watched the sun dip below the horizon, leaving the sky hot with its dying flames. Witnessing simple things like a sunset made Harry feel small and insignificant, not to mention out of place. When was the last time he had seen a sunset? The ordinary, but spectacular sight of it made him homesick, thought he didn’t understand why.

The train was only dark for a moment before the lights inside turned on. The color outside deepened to a dark blue, reducing the outside terrain to a rough black blur. No one talked leading up to when they arrived at the station, but somehow the slowing down of the train snapped them out of their trances. 

“Well, this is it,” Harry said, when the train had come to a complete stop. Lily smiled and stood up, as did the other three. Far ahead of them, Harry caught a glimpse of his father laughing with Sirius. His heart wrenched at the sight for a number of reasons, but he decided not to dwell on it and concentrated on his new surroundings. 

It was dark outside, but with the help of the lanterns, the path was visible through the night. A couple first years gasped at the sight of the school in the distance, and, as always, Harry felt a familiar warmth spread through him, despite the cold of the night. This was his home. And he never had a proper seventh year anyway, right? 

A younger version of Hagrid gathered all of the first years and brought them down a narrow path that Harry knew led to the lake. Sure enough, just as he remembered, there were boats docked by the shore. It was truly a magnificent sight: the black, glassy expanse of water cut through the trees and mountains, leading up to the great castle that sat above its edge. Everyone gasped at the stunning view, cutting through the still of the night. 

“No more’n four to a boat!” Hagrid called as everyone eagerly headed toward the little boats. Severus, and Lily both clambered into the one closest to them. Harry went to join them, but for some reason, Raven hung back. She looked awkwardly around at the other canoes, but they were filling up fast. 

Harry backtracked and asked her quietly, “Aren’t you coming with us?” 

Raven shook her head. “You don’t need to…to be nice to me.” She started forwards toward a sullen group of stragglers. 

“What? Why…”  

She turned to face him. “Because—because I know I’m going to be put in Slytherin, and you guys are all going to be in Gryffindor, or at least not in the same house as me.” 

“You don’t know that!” Harry looked around. “It doesn’t matter. The other boats are full. Let’s go.” Raven hesitated, looking around to make sure he was telling the truth, then followed him silently to the boat. He couldn’t figure out what she was so concerned about, they had already sat as a group on the train, and it wasn’t a big deal.

On Hagrid’s shouted command, the fleet of boats began sailing forward across the lake. It was perfectly silent, except for the occasional light sound of water lapping against the boats. The air was becoming steadily more chilled, and more and more stars began peeking out of the sky. Everyone looked up in awe at the castle that towered above them, lights gleaming in the windows.

The boats docked and the new students crowded around the rocky shore until all of the first years had gathered. They all wordlessly walked up stony steps to the castle. Hagrid knocked loudly on the huge doors, and immediately Professor McGonagall opened them. Her stern face was exactly as Harry remembered, minus a few wrinkles.  

“Thank you, Rubeus. I will lead them the rest of the way.” She ushered them in, and as soon as they entered, the silence was broken and excited whispers broke out. The high ceilings, enchanted staircases, and moving portraits overwhelmed them. It truly was a spectacular sight, even to Harry, who had seen the view many times. 

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