The Love Potion, pt. 1

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The professors and students put in extra hours the week leading up to Thursday so everyone could have Valentine’s Day off.

The Gryffindors took advantage of the break and slept in. Aluria Vane, Cheresse Podmore, and Florence Tyler had taken it upon themselves to decorate the common room before everyone woke up. 

They grinned when Harry came slowly downstairs, blinking against the bright colors. “You guys really outdid yourselves,” he said, frowning. 

“Thanks, Jacob,” said Cheresse, the blonde-haired, brown-eyed girl to Aluria’s right. She seemed to like Harry the most, while Aluria preferred James, and Florence fancied Sirius. 

“Uh, no problem.” Harry was planning on waiting for everyone else to wake up before going to the Great Hall, but the hearts and the lace and the pink made him feel claustrophobic. “I’ll see you guys later, then.” 

They giggled and waved.

“Jacob, wait up!” Remus stumbled on his way through the portrait hole.

Harry surveyed the boy’s nervous features. “Are you okay? You’re really pale.”

“Huh? No, no, I’m good.” Remus ran his hand through his hair to smooth it, then ran through it again to mess it up.

“Okay…so, are you planning on asking anyone out today?”

Remus winced. “Nope. Yes. Well, kind of. Ask out? No, that’s not what it is. Enough about me…what are you doing? I mean, are you asking anyone?” Harry had to pull Remus aside to prevent him from falling through a vanishing step in the staircase.

“Er, no, I’m not really interested in anyone.”

“Oh, yeah, I understand.” 

Harry cleared his throat and prepared his best nonchalant act. “Say you were actually going to ask someone, or someone asks you. My advice is to just take it slow. And if you were, hypothetically, friends with this person, you don’t have to act different because it’s a date. Just act like you always do.” A few years ago, Harry would’ve received a “Troll” if The Interpretation and Handling of Girls was a subject on the O.W.L.s. 

“Right, right, that makes sense. Hang on—what if, hypothetically, I asked someone on a date ‘as friends,’ when actually I meant as more than friends?”

“I’m following…”

“So they wouldn’t say no, and I would be relaxed, because she wouldn’t think it was an actual date, but it could be exactly like one! Hypothetically.” 

“Hypothetically,” Harry agreed.

The Great Hall decor was modest compared to the Gryffindor common room. A rich red fabric was draped on the walls, and light music was playing from enchanted string instruments beside the staff table. 

Severus joined them, more annoyed than usual at the holiday. He wasn’t nervous with anticipation to express his feelings to Lily; that seemed to be the last thing on his mind. He jabbed at his food as he scowled around the Hall. “This holiday is just an excuse for cowards to confess their ‘love.’ It’s the last day anyone should do something so ridiculous.” 

Remus flushed.

“That’s not the Valentine’s Day spirit, Snivellus. Today’s the perfect day to do ridiculous things.” James nudged Sirius and, laughing, they sat down. 

Severus ignored him. Remus greeted his friends absentmindedly, concentrating on something in the distance. His lips moved a little, as though reciting something. 

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