One Last Kiss, pt. 3

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The lack of knowledge about the attacks made everyone anxious and solemn. Several students received letters from family to assure them that they were okay, others remained oblivious.

The overflow from the common room moved to the boys’ dormitories where girls were not magically barred from entering.

Harry lay in bed, journaling, tuning in and out of conversations around him. Raven and Remus sat across from Lily and Severus, on the respective boys’ beds. The four of them talked before drifting into separate discussions.

Lily and Severus lay side-by-side, pillows stacked to cushion their backs. At first they didn’t touch, but when the Marauders left (sans Remus), they became more comfortable. The room was now quieter, darker, and their voices were audible.

“When you to told me about Hogwarts, and even in first year, I didn’t expect the wizarding world would be like this.” Lily rested her head on Severus’ shoulder and drew her legs up.

Severus swallowed and, after a moment of uncertainty, put an arm around her, resting his hand on her shoulder.

Lily gazed toward the back of the room, past Remus and Raven, out the window at the falling rain. “I thought the Muggle world was bad. All the wars and the suffering…and not only that, but it’s so ordinary. Boring. But the wizarding world is not much better. It has all these problems, and it hardly ever changes.”

Severus was too shaken by their sudden intimacy to sound incredulous. “You’re saying it’s better in the Muggle world?”

“I think they’re even, if the wizarding world isn’t slightly better—they’re different and the same.” Lily traced circles on his stomach, collecting her thoughts. Severus shuddered, making her grin. “Oh, I forgot. You’re ticklish, aren’t you?”

“No.” Severus couldn’t look at her.

Lily raised an eyebrow, then sat up and jabbed his sides. Severus flinched, almost laughing as he put up his hands to block future attacks.

“I’m done, sorry,” Lily said, and once he was convinced they repositioned themselves. She breathed deeply and nestled her head into his chest. “All this fighting makes sense, in the end. Magic is worth fighting for. But our side has an advantage: love.”

Severus’ face burned.

Lily sighed. “You’ve overcome so much. I don’t know if there’s anyone who could do the same.”

Dumbledore did, Harry thought, pausing in his writing.

“It doesn’t matter if the wizarding world changes for the better, as long as the people do.” Lily’s voice was fading with weariness.


“Mm?” She had her arm wrapped around his torso.

“You’re the kindest person I know.”

“You’re kind too, Sev. Even if it took a while for me to realize…” Lily mumbled the last few words and then fell silent, drifting asleep.

Severus noticed Harry watching, then they both looked away. Harry hoped Severus wasn’t jumping ahead, misinterpreting his relationship with Lily. Despite Harry’s off-and-on, spotty relationship with Lily, he had been hugged by her over these four years more than he had by anyone else, ever—combined.

Remus and Raven were now the only ones speaking—something about Remus’ childhood.

The Marauders opened the dormitory door, the ghosts of smiles lighting their faces. Sirius and Peter froze, spotting Severus and Lily. James kept telling his joke, oblivious.

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