The Mirror of Erised, pt. 2

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Most students didn’t wake up until noon on Christmas morning. Severus and Harry wouldn’t have woken up if James hadn’t started whistling the song he and Lily had danced to the night before. Harry sat up and put his glasses on as James described to the others, in detail, his kiss with Lily.

“It tasted like…apple tart.” 

“You’re making that up.” 

“I’m serious! No, not you, Sirius, you can go back to sleep. Anyway, I think she’d wanted it—bad. She was totally accepting of tongue…” 

James snickered when Severus stalked out of the room, Harry close behind. 

The tree in the common room was lined with gifts. Small groups of students convened around the room, opening presents from each other and their family. Raven, sitting cross-legged with Lily, Aluria, Florence, and Cheresse, glanced at Severus and Harry on their way toward her. She handed each of the girls a small package and excused herself. 

“Happy Christmas!” Raven handed the two boys their gifts, then they found a place to sit. Harry’s was a tiny painting of a phoenix, Severus’ was the same size painting of a tree. Each subject on the paper moved slightly. 

“Where do you find time to make all of these?” Harry asked, searching for his gifts for her and Severus. 

“Over summer break, my parents don’t let me out of the house much, so I do this.” Raven shrugged. Her attitude toward them was nonchalant, but she was watchful of Severus, even though she didn’t know what had happened after the party.

Severus didn’t have anything to give, but that was expected, and Harry’s presents were enough to count as two.

James invited Lily to go to the first British Quidditch match of the season in late February. His father had already asked Dumbledore if they could leave for the weekend, and he had given approval.

Lily crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows. “We haven’t even been together for a day, why do you assume I’d want to go?” 

James blushed. “Oh—I, well, after you agreed to go to the dance, I—” 

“Relax, I’m teasing. Yes, that sounds fun, I would love to go.” 

Sirius came from behind them and clapped James on the back. “Congrats, mate! And Evans.”

“Lily,” she corrected, smiling a little.

“Wow, you are serious, aren’t you?” He exchanged a dejected look with Remus and Peter. “We’re gonna have to start our own group.” 

“Oi, Hang on, I haven’t left you lot. I’ll just have less time, that’s all.”

“We’re only kidding. And I don’t think there’ll a big difference, considering how much time you put into trying to win her over.” Sirius winked at Lily. 

“Alright, I get it. And your gifts are under the tree. I’ll meet you there in a tic.” They raced over to the tree, Peter telling them to wait up. 

James glanced in Sirius’ direction, then back to Lily.

She smirked. “Go.” 

James took her shoulders and kissed her. “Thanks.” He kept eye contact with her, grinning and walking backwards, until he bumped into a seventh year, at which point he hurried off, facing forward.

Lily’s face was red, and she touched her lips as she thought.

Harry, watching from nearby, turned to his right to say something to Severus, but the boy had gone. Harry explained what had happened to Raven and they went to the dorm and found Severus lying in bed. The previous night had hurt Severus, but the boy might not’ve considered that it would lead so quickly to a relationship, especially one she seemed happy with.

Turning Time (A Harry Potter Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz