Revelare Viam, pt. 2

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Before James left on the Friday before Christmas, Sirius begged him, “Send an owl, please.” Sirius looked back on Harry and Severus and sighed dramatically. 

James clapped him on the back. “Of course. See ya, Remus, Peter.” 

“Bye.” The only first years staying behind were Sirius, Severus, and Harry. Raven was invited to stay at Lily’s for Christmas. Lily had gotten into an argument with her parents about letting Harry and Severus stay, but her parents said no, with the promise that she could stay at Hogwarts one year and another her other friends could come for the holidays. 

Everyone said their farewells, then attended the first holiday dinner. Christmas trees were at every corner of the Hall, bearing an assorted collection of huge ornaments. Dumbledore wore deep green robes and a brilliant smile. The other teachers appeared less stressed and were also getting into a more festive mood. 

Sirius was already considerably nicer to Harry, but he ignored Severus, save for the occasional snide remark.

There were a couple fourth years and one sixth year from Gryffindor, with only four additional people from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, so Sirius was stuck with Severus and Harry as company.

“Why didn’t you go to your family’s place?” Harry asked Sirius, though he knew the answer.

“Because they’re a load of evil gits, that’s why.” After a moment’s hesitation, he asked, “And what about you?” 

“My parents are Muggles, and they’re scared of me.” Even his invented life was depressing. 

Sirius smiled, then snorted, and soon they were both laughing at their misfortune. It took a moment for Sirius to catch himself and realize they weren’t friends, that they didn’t like each other, and he went back to poking at his food. 

“Have you heard from your parents, Severus?” Harry asked, after losing himself in thought over his and Sirius’ exchange. He looked to his right, where Severus slouched in his seat. 

“No,” he gave Harry a strange look. Of course he wouldn’t have.

“Well, we’ll make the best of it. The feasts are excellent. Er, so I’ve heard.” 

There was nearly a week of awkward, forced conversations, and increased tension between Sirius and Severus. Comments like “Ugh, how long has it been since you’ve touched a bar of soap, Snivellus!” and “You were gone a while. Not that I’m complaining. Did you make any potions to make you less of a dirty little— 

“Oh, shut up, Sirius,” was Harry’s endless refrain. 

On Christmas morning, Severus got up first, accidentally waking up Sirius and Harry by tripping over the presents at the foot of his bed. In hindsight, it was understandable because Severus hadn’t expected gifts, but at the time Harry was not happy at being woken up at six in the morning.

“Ugh, you dumbass,” Sirius groaned when he sat up and rubbed his eyes. With the prospect of presents, they couldn’t fall back asleep, so the three laid out the gifts on their beds and began to unwrap them. 

Harry noticed Severus delicately set aside Lily’s sky blue box, saving it for last. Sirius groaned for the second time after opening the box from his parents. Inside, there was a silver-and-green Slytherin scarf, a new pair of long, white socks, and a few expensive white anti-cheating quills. 

A moment later, Sirius said, nonplussed, to no one in particular, “Kreacher gave me something.”

Harry almost laughed, but he had to redirect his grin toward the broom-polishing kit Lily gave him. She’d get him the same thing Hermione had got him for his birthday. 

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