A Better Ending, pt. 1

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Severus and Harry Apparated to the gates of Hogwarts, then approached the castle. Severus walked much more quickly than Harry, who felt a twinge of annoyance at the way Severus’ cloak billowed behind him. Severus was still trying to put on a haughty act to distance himself, despite everything that had changed. The memories, Harry hoped, would at least begin to mend Severus’ misguided anger and dismissal of close relationships. 

“Why not just use Legilimency?” Harry asked, quickening his pace. 

Severus sighed, as though Harry had asked where the sun went every night. “The Pensieve focuses the memories. Although I am an experienced Legilimens, I only see flashes of thought. Had I not taught you that in your time?” 

“We didn’t get along. I hated you. You hated me, at least it seemed. Because of it, I never really learned Occlumency, and…I let Sirius die.” 

“I suppose I need not have tried to teach you, then.”

Harry reddened with anger. “Look, I saw firsthand what Sirius did to you. He was protecting his beliefs with little consideration of the consequences. If you’re going to come back from the dead, though, you’re going to have to put the past aside. He’ll do the same for you, if he believes you’ve changed.” 

“I have no intention of getting along with Black.”

“You don’t need to prove who’s more stubborn, it’s obviously you. Who else would pretend to be a criminal for two years as some sort of twisted self-punishment?”

“I did what I had to do. He has done nothing.”

“Most people have done nothing. You hate most people?”

Severus was silent for a moment, then said, “Your judgement is clouded because he was your father’s friend.”

“How can you say my judgement is clouded when you base your opinions on your childhood? During which, I might add, is when you were in the Dark Arts. Besides, you two are more similar than you think.” 

“Oh? And how is that, Potter?”

“You both eventually turned away from Voldemort, even though it made the most sense, given your backgrounds. You both were widely accused of a crime you didn’t commit. You both were dedicated to protecting me. You were both in the Order, both glutton for punishment. And both of you loved someone who never loved you back…” 

“What was the last one?”


Severus whisked his wand to open the front doors. 

Harry knew if he continued talking about Sirius he’d make things worse. He had to change the subject to let Severus think about what he’d said. “Listen, when you’re using the Pensieve, I hope you see what you could’ve done to change things, not because you’ll have the chance, but so you can see how you need to be in the future.”

Severus said nothing, so Harry stopped trying to give advice. They walked up to Dumbledore’s Office, which now, Harry realized, would be Professor McGonagall’s Office. 

“Fizzing Whizbees,” Harry said.

“How do you know the password?” Severus asked as they walked upstairs. 

“Raven and I came here. That’s how we knew you were alive. She’s looking for you now, actually.” Harry searched Severus for a reaction, but there was only a flicker in his eyes to indicate he’d heard. 

Upon their entrance, some of the painted depictions of former headmasters stood up, Dumbledore included. “Severus. Welcome home.” 

“Albus.” Severus nodded at him. 

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