A Better Ending, pt. 2

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Harry spent the following fews days in and out of the Ministry. He, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny met Raven for breakfast every morning before each hearing, where Harry would learn anything he might need to know about what Severus did at Hogwarts, for and against them.

The final day of the hearing wasn’t to take place until that evening, so at noon, with the phoenix tears hanging at his neck, Harry went to St. Mungo’s.

“Hi, I’m here to see Frank and Alice Longbottom.”

The man at the front desk looked up. “Oh, hello, Mr. Potter. You know, you’re not the first member of Dumbledore’s Army to see Frank and Alice today.”

“Is anyone still visiting?” Harry couldn’t be seen, in case his plan didn’t work.

“I don’t believe so. You’ll be wanting the fourth floor in the Janus Thickey Ward. I’ll have someone direct you over. Jaye,” he said to a young girl in green robes, “d’you mind taking Mr. Harry Potter to Thickey?”

“Sure, sir.” Jaye motioned him forward, “Follow me.” Something about her was familiar. Her sharp eyes, the swish of her ponytail—

“I’m Jaye Rosquit,” she said, pointing to her name tag. “This is my second summer interning, I’m going to be in seventh year next month. You know, I’ve seen you round Hogwarts. Well, how could I not? But I’m in Hufflepuff so I don’t know if you’d have seen me.”

Jaye Rosquit. So she must be…“No, I remember you.” Guessing, and hoping the timelines were similar enough, Harry said, “Your mother, Violetta, played Quidditch, didn’t she?”

“That’s right!” They reached the fourth floor. “I can’t believe the ‘Chosen One’ knows my mother. Wait’ll I tell her. You a fan of the Wigtown Wanderers, then?”

“Er, yeah, they’re good.”

They reached the ward. Jaye became solemn in the quiet, still atmosphere. “Terrible about Neville’s parents. It’s not fair, what with the War ending and all, that they have to still be like this.”

Harry nodded, peering past her as she unlocked the door.

“Will you tell Neville I hope he’s well?” Jaye pushed the doors open.

“Yeah, sure.”

They entered the room, Harry several paces behind, cautious.

Jaye approached Frank and Alice more comfortably. “Hello, you two.”

They stared at her blankly, hair wispy, then almost robotically they extended their hands. 

Jaye reached into her pocket and pulled out four toffees and handed them each two.

“Hang on, I have something as well.” Harry emptied his vial into his palm, which now contained two hard candies, which he had created by solidifying the phoenix tears. “Here.” He gave them each one.

Alice, eyes distracted and wide, dropped the toffees and put the tears in her mouth. Frank watched her do this, then, mouth a bit ajar, did the same.

“You know, my mum and Alice were best friends. Small world, isn’t it?”

“It is. Do you mind giving us a minute alone?”

“Sure thing. I’ll be right outside. Yell if something’s wrong.”

“Alright.” Harry studied Alice and Frank’s faces, waiting for something to change. Then he realized even if their condition did improve, he didn’t want the miracle to be connected with him. “Goodbye. Get better,” Harry told them, then left the room.

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