Secrets, pt. 1

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Harry missed his friends. He knew he wasn’t off to a good start if it was only two weeks into the year and his chest already ached every time he realized it was going to be another day of being without them. He tried to think of some way he could see Ron, Hermione, or Ginny, but it would be too difficult. He hoped, at some point, the pain would go away, and they would become less and less focused in his thoughts. Because he wasn’t leaving them. They weren’t suffering, even Ginny’d only miss him a few seconds, so why should he torture himself over it?

Of course, Harry couldn’t help but think of possible solutions to his problem. He came up with a new idea each day, but each idea had a drawback: when he saw them again, he’d only miss them more between visits. He’d want to come back, and abandon everything he’d accomplished.

His stress must have been apparent on the night before the first Quidditch practice that Saturday, because Severus noticed.

“Are you feeling alright?” he asked, his discomfort in expressing concern apparent as he rolled up the homework he’d just finished.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Harry also closed his books and glanced at Severus, who had already moved on, having believed what Harry had told him.

Harry searched for something to take his mind off of his friends. “Hey, how about we play Wizard’s Chess?” 

James had received a special edition version of the game the day before, playing nonstop since class ended. His obsession and winning streak weren’t the only annoying factors; the game was twice the normal size, the pieces were twice as loud and swore when they were taken out to the opposite side. To top everything off, the whole chess set was plated in silver. Harry knew Severus wouldn’t want to take James on, so he thought he’d give him a chance to play without that competition. 

Harry went upstairs and dug out his chess set, the same one he’d been given at the Christmas Feast his first year. It was a little worn, so he could say he had bought it secondhand at Diagon Alley.

After he was back downstairs and as he set up the board, Lily and Raven sat down to the left of Severus, curious. 

“Can Raven and I play after?” Lily hadn’t played a magical game yet but hadn’t wanted to verse James, who was clearly getting on her nerves. 

“Sure.” Harry pulled up a stool and sat on the opposite end of the table. 

“White or red?” he asked, facing the white side. 

“Red’s fine.” Severus studied the board. “I haven’t placed this before.” 

“Oh! Right.” Harry quickly explained how each piece moved, then offered, “You can go first.” 

Severus hesitated, surveying his options. “Pawn to E5.” And the game began. 

Harry thought he had a chance at winning, since he was seven years older. However, somehow, just thirty minutes in, Harry’s king was dragged off to the side of the board. 

“Wow! Sev, you’re a natural!” Lily studied at him, her eyes wide, and after turning to see her expression he blushed. 

“I let you win,” Harry joked, grinning as he rearranged the pieces.

“Go ahead,” he said to Lily and Raven, and they took their spots as Harry joined Severus and Lily on the couch. 

“I bet, if you practiced a bit, you could beat James. Easily.” 

Severus straightened with pride. “You think so?” 

“Of course…though, he may not like it if you do.” 

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