Chapter Seven

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It would be a cold day in Hell when I drank wine again. It felt like a giant had crawled inside my head, kicked the hell out of me for shits and giggles, and then decided to host a goddamn Pantera concert in there.

I temporarily hated Tanis with a fiery passion for not warning me about the unfortunate joys of a wine hangover.

And now, apparently, a demon was trying to either break out of my head or break down my door.

Sadly, the demon I was related to and couldn't, in good conscience, kill.

"Stop pounding on the door!" I groaned, and tried to grab a pillow to cover my head with and ended up rolling out of bed in the process.

Loud footsteps stomped across the floor before the annoying, amber-eyed demon jumped up on my bed and needlessly bounced up and down, just to make it squeak, causing my hangover induced super hearing to wreak even more havoc on my already throbbing head.

"No," Jarvis barked out loudly. "That's what you get for drinking on a school night, young lady," he parentally scolded.

"I hate you," I mumbled and rolled over, and whimpered as I stretched out on my back.

He cocked an eyebrow. "How much did you drink? You look like shit!"

"Gee, thanks for the lovely compliment," I groaned, making a face; I felt like shit, but it didn't stop there, no. I felt like shit which was re-digested and shit back out a couple of times before a buffalo tap-danced in said shit. "We didn't drink that much...okay, we did. But he was totally sober...I've never had wine before. Okay? It kicked my ass up one wall and down the other. Happy?"

"Nu huh," he huffed. "Not even close."

"Shut up. It went perfect with dinner...but, oh my god, ow. I won't be doing that again anytime soon."

"Uh huh."

"I'm going to kill you," I mumbled and he laughed. "What time is I late for school?"

"Nope. It's six."

"What?" I cringed at my own loudness. "Why in the hell did you wake me up an hour early?" I whimpered, trying to cover my face with the blankets to block out the ungodly bright light coming through the window.

"Why not?" he asked with a chuckle. "It's totally something you would do."


"Touché," I conceded.

"In case you were wondering, I didn't tell Mom and Dad who you were with. They're rather suspicious though since you came home in a hundred-thousand-dollar SUV with a white guy. It was very reservation whore'ish," he scolded.

I groaned even louder; that was all I didn't need today: parenting from Jarvis.

"Seriously, Sis, are you banging with this rich suckhead?" he demanded, pulling the covers back with his toes.

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