Chapter Twenty-Two

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That always happened whenever we went somewhere together; d'Artagnan was such an asshole and troublemaker that simply his presence caused those around him to get narked. I don't know why I bothered with defending him. Sometimes having a conscience was horribly overrated.

"Where's Jay Dee?" I heard Reign call out.

Instantly my head snapped from the rude werewolf in front of me, to where I last saw Jay Dee. It was struggle to see over everyone's heads, but eventually I caught a glimpse of her white hair. She was shaking her head in disappointment at the actions of everyone, including my own.

This is exactly what Toran and Reign did not want to happen.

I started pushing my way through the crowd.

"Jarvis!" Jay Dee yelled.

"Bloody hell, now what?" I groaned and the white hair seemingly disappeared. "What in..." my words trailed off as an eerie silence washed across the crowd and the air was suddenly saturated with an all too familiar smell: blood.

I could feel my eyes darkening to black pits of death, as were the eyes of each of the vampires there, but thirst was at the very back of my mind.

The woman I loved was standing toe to toe with a bronze-skinned werewolf, his eyes burned with hate and his lips were pulled up into a snarl.

Touch her. I beg of you to be daft enough to touch what belongs to me!

"You shouldn't have done that, you abomination of all that is holy," he growled in her face.

I will snap your bloody neck if you do not step away from me Duckie.

"You're probably right," Jay Dee spat through clenched teeth before taking a step back. "You might want to run, because if they catch you, you won't see it coming."

Wait, what in bloody hell is that supposed to mean!?

She dropped something to the ground and the smell of blood became that much more potent.

Oh my god.

"No!" I yelled and pushed my way through the crowd of phasing werewolves.

This cannot be happening. Please, God, let her be all right.

Jay Dee swayed on her feet before collapsing to the ground. I slid across the floor and caught her in my arms.

Jarvis stood there shaking, his hands balled into fists at his side.

I looked up at him. "Kill that sonuvabitch," I snarled, and he smirked, his clothes ripped apart as his body contorted into a large black wolf. He pivoted, and went the opposite direction as the others.

"I should have stayed in bed," Jay Dee groaned. "Didn't I tell you something bad was going to happen?" she complained before laughing.

"This is not a laughing matter," I choked.

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